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  1. In topicul:Messerschmitt Bf109 B/C/D

    10 September 2008 - 03:49 AM

    Vezi postareaRazvan, la 8 Sep 2008, 14:14, a spus:

    Si pe cine pot sa rog pentru o comanda?Nu cred ca exista prin magazinele noastre cele de toate zilele.

    Hello Razvan,

    Besides from the old Propacteam sheet, there's also a recent reference researched and marketed in Spain, (although the decals were printed by Techmod), in both 1/72 and 1/48 scales. It provides decals for ten or more Messers in Legion Condor and post-Civil War Spanish Ejército del Aire service, including the V-3 prototype as seen in 1937 (the pattern aircraft for the Bf 109 A series - during years, the Bf 109B was thought to have been the first version to reach production, but recently discovered evidence seems to indicate that a small batch of Bf 109A was indeed built and sent to Spain).
    I don't know if these Spanish decals are still available, but I can check.
    Hope this helps.

  2. In topicul:He 112B de RS Models

    14 August 2008 - 12:33 AM

    Vezi postareaBlue-Max, la 13 Aug 2008, 20:09, a spus:

    Here are some older threads that contains a lot of aspects on the RS Model He-112 kit and others issues related to this airplane

    Thanks Blue-Max! The first thread is very comprehensive. It seems my friend Juan is right... He also compared the RS kit with photos he had at hand, plus the plans published in the Squadron-Signal monograph and in the French periodical "Avions". The photos he used show Spanish machines in Morocco after the Civil War and are especially crisp and clear (as published in a Spanish magazine). It is interesting to see that another set of scale drawings was published in a Romanian magazine: this makes for a total of at least 6 different plans' sets. The Czech (HPM) and Russian (Aviamaster) ones look suspicious to say the least. They simply don't look right when compared to photos of the real thing.

    P.S. Last year, during a meeting with some fellow enthusiasts and researchers in Madrid, one of them said that someone is rumoured to be working on a book, a very comprehensive and large one, comparable to some "bricks" recently released in France. I don't have more details, but I would certainly welcome such a work. Spain is perhaps the best place to look for original material on the type's later versions (B series). A competently researched book based upon the treasures of the Spanish archives will no doubt be something to behold.

    Thanks for your kind words. However, the credit should go to the Czech modeller who build the RS "dog"... Regarding the technique you mention (thanks also for suggesting it), I tried it as you recommend, using polish cloth and cotton swabs after very careful and patient sanding of the part using 1600 to 2000 sandpaper. After dipping the canopy in Klear, it worked like a charm. However, I am not so confident about doing it on vacuform canopies made from acetate; I will probably try it first on a piece of acetate to see whether it works or not. I have a great respect for vacuform canopies... :-)
  3. In topicul:He 112B de RS Models

    13 August 2008 - 04:28 PM


    I will write in English, as per the request from Blue-Max. I also noticed the canopy issue. It looks indeed a bit "cloudy", especially on its aft section. This is a bit strange, for it is a vacuform part, not an injected one and should be clearer.

    The canopy brings to my mind another question: a few days ago, a friend from Madrid asked for my help regarding the RS Model He 112 kit. According to him, it suffers from several accuracy problems that are evident just by looking at photos. He also mantains that the much older Heller offering is superior, accuracy-wise, to the recent Czech kit. Is he right? I really don't know. :-)
    He also claims that the canopy is one of the worse parts in the kit (too tall, with the windscreen too curved for the B version...). The available scale drawings (Avions, Wydawnictwo Militaria, Aviamaster... the last 1/72 scale drawing set I am aware of was published in 2004 in the Czech magazine HPM) don't agree on several aspects, thus adding to the general confusion. We surely miss a deeply researched large book on the type.

  4. In topicul:He 112B de RS Models

    12 August 2008 - 05:44 PM

    Vezi postareaDragosP, la 12 Aug 2008, 17:43, a spus:

    Je n'ai pas des mauvaises intentions , j'ai voulu dire que les français utilisent le mot " sujet ", "topic" ou "theme" pour remplacer le mot "thread" , qui est anglais, finalment sujet signifie thread.
    Tu as aussi raison parce que thread signifie "fil, ficelle" , d'où au figuré, "fil conducteur, sujet de discussion" , alors utiliser le mot "thread" n'est pas totalement inexacte , mais incomplète.

    Oui, bien sur. Sans rancune. No offense taken.
    En tout cas, veuillez jetter un coup d'œil sur le lien ci-dessous, en cherchant s.v.p. le mot « thread » et leur equivalent en français:
  5. In topicul:He 112B de RS Models

    12 August 2008 - 12:49 PM

    Vezi postareaDragosP, la 11 Aug 2008, 21:32, a spus:

    On dit "sujet" en français . :-) :hi: :hi:

    Je tiens à vous féliciter par votre sagesse. Malgrè cela, vous vous trompez car dans le contexte de ma phrase « thread » est traduisible comme fil de discussion ou fil, tout simplement. Un fil de discussion rassemble tous les messages publiés en réponse à un message donné.


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