Slowly but deadly in progress SBD -3 Dauntless 1/32 Trumpeter
Postat 15 August 2012 - 10:13 AM
O varianta de mijloc nu are cum sa fie, ori fara insemnele victoriilor, ori cu ele. Dar se pare ca (dupa ce am mai discutat si cu altii de afara si am mai studiat alte machete) va fi cu victoriile pe el, dar va fi uzat, deoarece nu a fost pus intr-un muzeu, dupa sedinta foto publicitara, ci a fost trimis pe portavion.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de florin13: 15 August 2012 - 10:14 AM
Postat 20 August 2012 - 02:05 PM
Pun cateva poze cu unele detalii referitoare la cum arata un avion intens folosit (An-2 Blue Sky Arad, zburat doua zile). Daca unii vor zice ca un avion zburat in conditii de razboi, ar trebui sa arate ca scos din cutie/fabrica, ar trebui sa vada pozele astea. Nu vreau sa ofensez pe nimeni postand aceste poze, vreau doar sa arat ca in conditii de folosire intensa si fara prea multe pauze in afara de realimentare si reinarmare, un avion, mai ales din cel de-al doilea razboi mondial, cand aviatia nu era la nivelul celei de acum, nu avea cum sa ramana foarte curat, iar daca cineva doreste sa faca un model foarte murdar, nu greseste cu nimic.
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Postat 05 September 2012 - 02:41 PM
Am mai lucrat cate ceva, de la ultima postare.
Fuselajul inchis, lipit, chituit, mascat. In vederea unei ulterioare rosaturi, am purces la acoperirea integrala cu un strat de aluminiu polished, dupa care, chrome yellow pe post de grund. Stratul final (dupa preshading, la care nu i-am facut poze, dar dupa ce se usuca, o sa vedeti intradosul), este blue-gray. O sa mai vina cel putin un strat de blue-gray cu vreo 10% alb, prin panouri, pentru a reda vopseaua invechita. Apropo de vopseaua invechita si avionul uzat, cum vreau sa-l fac: asta este raspunsul pe care l-am primit de la unii mai informati ca mine:
"2-S-12, SBD-3 Bu. No. 4547 flew both the Shoho strike at Coral Sea on May 7 and a defensive CAP for USS Lexington on May 8. At the time of the battle she wore only the "S-12" as the "2" had been removed for operational security purposes. The 2-S-12 marked SBD-3 with victory flags that they toured around the country with after Coral Sea for morale purposes, was indeed a new build SBD off of the El Segundo production line. I have found that Bu No 4547 was part of the Yorktown Air Group at Midway with Scouting 3 (formerly Bombing 5 at Coral Sea) and was operational aboard USS Enterprise at the end of the Battle of Midway after recovering there. She stayed operational in the Pacific Theater at least thru Guadalcanal. Bu. No. 4547 was reported lost with Scouting 8 on 12/31/42 in the South Pacific Theater.
Seeing how Lexington's Air Group was operational and heavily involved in combat operations until the time of her loss, 2-S-12/4547 would likely have been well weathered."
Asa ca nu o sa fie absolut nicio problema.
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Directia este si ea, vopsita in alb-rosu
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Fuselajul inchis, lipit, chituit, mascat. In vederea unei ulterioare rosaturi, am purces la acoperirea integrala cu un strat de aluminiu polished, dupa care, chrome yellow pe post de grund. Stratul final (dupa preshading, la care nu i-am facut poze, dar dupa ce se usuca, o sa vedeti intradosul), este blue-gray. O sa mai vina cel putin un strat de blue-gray cu vreo 10% alb, prin panouri, pentru a reda vopseaua invechita. Apropo de vopseaua invechita si avionul uzat, cum vreau sa-l fac: asta este raspunsul pe care l-am primit de la unii mai informati ca mine:
"2-S-12, SBD-3 Bu. No. 4547 flew both the Shoho strike at Coral Sea on May 7 and a defensive CAP for USS Lexington on May 8. At the time of the battle she wore only the "S-12" as the "2" had been removed for operational security purposes. The 2-S-12 marked SBD-3 with victory flags that they toured around the country with after Coral Sea for morale purposes, was indeed a new build SBD off of the El Segundo production line. I have found that Bu No 4547 was part of the Yorktown Air Group at Midway with Scouting 3 (formerly Bombing 5 at Coral Sea) and was operational aboard USS Enterprise at the end of the Battle of Midway after recovering there. She stayed operational in the Pacific Theater at least thru Guadalcanal. Bu. No. 4547 was reported lost with Scouting 8 on 12/31/42 in the South Pacific Theater.
Seeing how Lexington's Air Group was operational and heavily involved in combat operations until the time of her loss, 2-S-12/4547 would likely have been well weathered."
Asa ca nu o sa fie absolut nicio problema.
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Directia este si ea, vopsita in alb-rosu
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Postat 06 September 2012 - 09:45 PM
Cum va spuneam, urma sa dau un strat de Light grey pe burta. L-am dat. Pe urma a inceput sa ma manance undeva, si am zis ca pot sa imbunatatesc extradosul. Arata mai bine acum, nu?
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Maine o iau de la capat.
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Maine o iau de la capat.