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Ajutor Tiger I late production

#1 Useril este offline   jiju 

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Postat 28 October 2010 - 10:09 AM

Buna ziua,as dori sa ma ajutati in aceasta situatie,am un Tiger I late production de la dragon este kitul 3 in 1,schema de vopsire este din divizia Pz.Abt.505,Nowe Koszary cu nr 334 din anul 1944.
Problema este urmatoarea nu stiun prea multe despre zimmerit si as vrea sa stiu daca acest tip de tanc a avut zimmerit sau nu.

Va multumesc,
Darla Mihai Andrei(Jiju)

#2 Useril este offline   tgr 

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Postat 28 October 2010 - 10:30 AM

Da, a avut, ca toti tigrii late.


Hmmm... Well the option for '334' of the 1.(3.?)/s.Pz.Abt.505, Nowe Koszary 1944... Hypothetically you could use either the broader pattern zimmerit or the finer one on the turret, and also perhaps either muzzle brake. I believe that up to now we only have images of the units Tiger 1's with the unsculpted hull side front ends, rather than the ones without the typical late cut-outs for the towing c-hooks/hawser. From the 13th of April until the 26th April 1944, the s.Pz.Abt.505 is understood to have received 23 new Tiger 1's. This means that the fresh vehicles received could have been a bit of an assortment due to the production crossover in February -May 1944. From the images we have available, it looks as though the finer patter of turret zimmerit was the norm. So sorry on that one Paul, this unit really has caused many a headache with it's camo colours, unit emblem, and production variant nailing.

Te rog sa-l incepi cat mai rapid. :hi:

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