The heavy Panzerspähwagen was a large and ungainly[citation needed] but very fast addition to the German mobile arsenal of the early war years. The original 6-rad (6 wheeled) versions were based on a 6x4 truck with armoured body, but by 1937 they were being replaced by the 8-rad versions. During the replacement, the Sd.Kfz numbers were carried directly over; differentiation is made by the addition of 6-Rad or 8-Rad (Ger: "6 wheel" or "8 wheel") in the vehicle name.
These vehicles first saw combat with the campaign against Poland
kingtiger3002, la 26 Sep 2010, 13:58, a spus:
am luat chitul de sdkfy si de turn abia ieri, ceea ce veyi este montajul de aseara si vopsirea, in pensule de dimineata.
Urmeaya variante finale.
dani, la 26 Sep 2010, 14:46, a spus: