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De pe Net

#441 Useril este offline   AdyAero 

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Postat 03 October 2006 - 09:27 AM

Detalii de la intrunirea din Austria de pe siteul :
Imagine postata

#442 Useril este offline   AdyAero 

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Postat 03 October 2006 - 10:28 AM

O diorama cu Hongwell 1:72 :-)

#443 Useril este offline   AdyAero 

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Postat 03 October 2006 - 11:50 AM

Ultimile kituri de la Revell:
Imagine postata
Imagine postata

Aceasta postare a fost editata de AdyAero: 03 October 2006 - 11:51 AM

#444 Useril este offline   soricelul 

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Postat 03 October 2006 - 01:43 PM

Undeva, ratacite pe aici sunt noutatile de la Italieri. Nu stiu daca le-am pus unde trebuie

si asta, cu de toate

Aceasta postare a fost editata de soricelul: 03 October 2006 - 01:59 PM

#445 Useril este offline   GRIZZLEA 

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    Scara 1:48.

Postat 04 October 2006 - 09:06 AM

Nenea Kolosna, a comis-o din nou :

Si a comis-o "prea adanc", de asta data...

#446 Useril este offline   GRIZZLEA 

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    Scara 1:48.

Postat 04 October 2006 - 12:22 PM

Am mai dat peste un nene foarte interesant, frate modelist d'al nostru, care scrie niste lucruri foarte interesante (pentru mine), chiar daca o face cu un spumos umor negru si o buna doza de venin.
Pentru inceput, va dau spre degustare doua mostre.

1. "Mid-Life Modelling Crisis?"

Din care, inainte sa va dau link-ul... nu ma pot abtine sa nu va dau un scurt citat:

"...By the time the wife and I decided to move to England in 1997 I had over 600 kits stashed away and they were beginning to feel like an Albatross around my neck. I sold a good many before we left but there were still enough that I just couldn't part with to fill three large trunks (and that's with all boxes broken down and kits put into plastic bags), plus of course the accompanying tools, books, magazines, decals and other assorted paraphernalia. Oh and the two boxes of kits that I had actually built.

And when the wife decided she had had enough of marriage 4 years later one of the parting comments has stuck with me ever since: "When I look around at all these models I just see a down payment on a house". How could I argue with that? She was, and is, absolutely right...."

2. My New Modelling Philosophy (Or, "What I Didn't do on my Summer Vacation")

Si aici... un citat :

"...Why had the fun gone? Hobby saturation. The magazines, the club meetings, the shows, the constant deluge of new and often unneccesary aftermarket products, and yes, the internet (and no, the irony of that last one is not lost on me!). This hobby has become a monster. It's become bigger than the sum of its parts, blown way out of proportion to what it's all about and so full of all-knowing "experts" that I just couldn't stomach it anymore. ..."

Sper... sa va distrati... omul mai are cateva si mai negre/rele...

Aceasta postare a fost editata de DRAGOS: 04 October 2006 - 12:23 PM

#447 Useril este offline   Bill 

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Postat 04 October 2006 - 12:42 PM

Multumim frate Dragos, mi-au placut gindurile acestui frate de suferinta :-)
Am regasit observatii de bun simt si chiar m-am identificat in unele situatii :-) ;-)....
Bill ;-)

#448 Useril este offline   cartula 

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Postat 04 October 2006 - 05:34 PM

Pentru cel cu "My New Modelling Philosophy (Or, "What I Didn't do on my Summer Vacation")" merita o lada de bere...

Mi-a placut terbil citatul asta


So this is my new modelling philosophy: I'm turning this back into a solitary hobby, like it was when I enjoyed it. I'm going to build models the way I want to build them and I don't care if they're a couple of millimeters out here or there, they don't have pre-shaded panel lines or the colour isn't "scale", or if I haven't spent 10 times the price of the kit on aftermarket accessories and decals. If I want to go to town on a kit, correct its faults and detail it until my eyes fail then I will. If I just want to get it done and can live with the result, then so be it. If a kit has such a glaring inaccuracy that it doesn't even resemble the full size prototype, then yes, I will correct it if I can. But if, like the Academy Spitfire, it looks like it is supposed to, then I'm not going to lose any sleep over any faults - real, imagined or rumoured.

Prietenii stiu de ce. 8-)

#449 Useril este offline   OlafTheViking 

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Postat 04 October 2006 - 10:53 PM

Vezi cand eu iti spuneam ca am devenit atat de exigent cu mine incat nu mai lucrez nimic si tu gresit sustineai ca sunt doar puturos. :-) ;-) :-) ;-)

#450 Useril este offline   GRIZZLEA 

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    Scara 1:48.

Postat 05 October 2006 - 04:18 AM

Aha !
Deci v-a placut de acest frate al nostru, rau si spurcat la gura (degete ?) !
Io am fost in culmea fericirii cand i-am citit "articolele"... poate-s subiectiv, dar ma indentific tare mult, cu majoritatea trairilor si starilor domniei sale...
Si... multe din opiniile sale despre dragul nostru hobby, sau unde a ajuns el, sunt dubios de identice cu ale mele...

Pai, sa va mai dau doua "perle" de-ale sale, de aceasta data si mai rele si cu o "tinta" si mai specifica... Interesant este ca aceste doua subiecte, au fost nu rareori discutate si in dragul nostru forum !

1. Scale Colour?? RUBBISH!!!

Acesta prevad ca va (re)naste ceva discutii... io-te un citat:

" I'm sure many modellers have heard of the "scale colour" debate and probably have their own opinion on it. Pretty much anyone who mentions scale colour in magazines or on the internet is in favour of it, in fact I have yet to see anything in print that denounces it. Well then let me be the first to do so. Scale colour is a load of nonsense!! There I said it - bring on the angry emails. "

2. Politically Correct Panel Lines
(Alternatively Titled, "A Panel Line: The Musical", "Panel Line Fever" or "Careful with that Airbrush, Eugene")

Asta-i si mai rau si... in mare masura, mult mai controversat...

"... So what's all the fuss about, you say? What is all this "pre-shading" and "post-shading" nonsense? Why shouldn't we trace every panel line with the thickest, blackest magic marker known to man? So what if we go mad with the airbrush and spray dark lines between the ribs on biplane wings so that they end up resembling the crosswalk on the cover of a certain well known Beatles album? It's dramatic and it looks cool, and isn't that the idea? Well yes, and, errr... no, not exactly. Cool, yes. Dramatic? I don't think so. I suppose it depends on what you're trying to depict - a semblance of realism, or a Pablo Picasso inspired abstract. "

Sper ca scrierile acestui belzebub... or sa va dea de gandit...

#451 Useril este offline   Blue-Max 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 06:26 AM

DRAGOS, la Oct 5 2006, 05:18 AM, a spus:

"Careful with that Airbrush, Eugene"

Mai frate Dragos !
Ingrozitor de bine le zice nenea asta !!
M-ai lovit tare de tot cu textele astea .....

Pt. membrii mai "tineri" ai forumului, unul din pseudo titlurile folosite, e o (teribil de inspirata) parafrazare a unei piese Pink Floyd .... ;-)
Careful with that ... Axe, Eugene
Dau 2 beri cui imi spune titlul albumului :-) :hammer:
Da' sa fie din tanara generatie .... :-)

#452 Useril este offline   GRIZZLEA 

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    Scara 1:48.

Postat 05 October 2006 - 07:31 AM

Da, frate Blue-Max !

Si unde mai pui ca este, ca modelist, un braillist interesant printre altele :


Si ca dovada ca poate scrie si lucruri mai "pozitive", iata parerea lui despre unii din producatorii in plastic binecunoscuti :

- Premium Plastic Purveyors

" It occurred to me recently that all my rants on this site have been fairly negative so in order to quell any ideas that I'm just a miserable whinging bastard (I am actually, but that's just my opinion) I decided to write this happy little article in praise of my favourite model manufacturers. Gosh, I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "

Si... sunt curios daca-ti va da cineva un raspuns, la ghicitoarea ta muzicala...

Aceasta postare a fost editata de DRAGOS: 05 October 2006 - 07:39 AM

#453 Useril este offline   Bill 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 08:05 AM

Da, fratilor, cu cit recitesc articolul ma simt tot mai bine..... :-) de ce? nu stiu..... :-)
Si referirile muzicale imi plac mult ;-) Max, dar de ce numai junimea are dreptul sa cistige berile? ;-) asta-i discriminare gerontologica :-)
Old fart Bill :-D

#454 Useril este offline   Blue-Max 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 08:14 AM

Bill, la Oct 5 2006, 09:05 AM, a spus:

Si referirile muzicale imi plac mult ;-) Max, dar de ce numai junimea are dreptul sa cistige berile? :-) asta-i discriminare gerontologica :-)

E bine ca tanara generatie, sa mai scormoneasca prin arhive si sa afle chestii "noi" :-D .

Iar pt. generatia gerontologica, care a mancat Pink Floyd pe paine, :-) si ar mai vrea o bere, pot face ghicitori din muzica contemporana ...
Listele lui CC (prietenii stiu de ce) abia asteapta ... ;-)

#455 Useril este offline   marhaba 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 08:31 AM

Urmatoarea incearc-o cu AC/DC

#456 Useril este offline   AdyAero 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 09:18 AM

Rezultatul e la 1 search distanta pe Google :-)

#457 Useril este offline   FlyBoy 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 10:08 AM

Fratilor, o fi in plus ceea ce postez eu, n-o fi, m-am gandi ca unii s-ar putea sa aiba nevoie macar "ochioscopic" de urmatoarea poza. Gasita pe undeva pe un site de aiurea... Cu mentiunea ca e valabil si pentru acrilice si pentru emailurile produse de TAMIYA

Sporuri :pint:

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: tamiyaacrylics.jpg

#458 Useril este offline   Blue-Max 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 10:39 AM

AdyAero, la Oct 5 2006, 10:18 AM, a spus:

Rezultatul e la 1 search distanta pe Google :pint:

Bineinteles !
Acuma poate esti curios, sa-l si asculti ?!

Iata, datorez 2 beri lui AdyAero ! :-D
Daca esti amator de bere la cutie, ti le trimit cu posta ! :-)
Daca nu, poate ne vedem pe viu odata la Bucuresti ?!

#459 Useril este offline   AdyAero 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 01:16 PM

:-) prima bere castigata de mine pe net :lol: Poate o sa vin si eu la un plen al sedintelor, totul e sa gasesc timp, (daca stiti pe undeva la kilogram sa imi spuneti si mie, vreu sa cumpar un sac), nu am timp nici macar sa imi sterg machetele de praf :-( . Pink Floyd am ascultat mai putin, m-a atras pana acum RHCP, Queen, Nirvana, Nighwish, multe altele :pint: dar nu e timpul pierdut nici pentru ei. :-D
Numa bine si machete bune!

#460 Useril este offline   AdyAero 

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Postat 05 October 2006 - 03:29 PM

Fiecare cum poate :pint:
Imagine postata
Si inca un kit nou:
Imagine postata

Aceasta postare a fost editata de AdyAero: 05 October 2006 - 03:40 PM

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