Aha !
Deci v-a placut de acest frate al nostru, rau si spurcat la gura (degete ?) !
Io am fost in culmea fericirii cand i-am citit "articolele"... poate-s subiectiv, dar ma indentific tare mult, cu majoritatea trairilor si starilor domniei sale...
Si... multe din opiniile sale despre dragul nostru hobby, sau unde a ajuns el, sunt dubios de identice cu ale mele...
Pai, sa va mai dau doua "perle" de-ale sale, de aceasta data si mai rele si cu o "tinta" si mai specifica... Interesant este ca aceste doua subiecte, au fost nu rareori discutate si in dragul nostru forum !
1. Scale Colour?? RUBBISH!!!
Acesta prevad ca va (re)naste ceva discutii... io-te un citat:
" I'm sure many modellers have heard of the "scale colour" debate and probably have their own opinion on it. Pretty much anyone who mentions scale colour in magazines or on the internet is in favour of it, in fact I have yet to see anything in print that denounces it. Well then let me be the first to do so. Scale colour is a load of nonsense!! There I said it - bring on the angry emails. "
2. Politically Correct Panel Lines
(Alternatively Titled, "A Panel Line: The Musical", "Panel Line Fever" or "Careful with that Airbrush, Eugene")
Asta-i si mai rau si... in mare masura, mult mai controversat...
"... So what's all the fuss about, you say? What is all this "pre-shading" and "post-shading" nonsense? Why shouldn't we trace every panel line with the thickest, blackest magic marker known to man? So what if we go mad with the airbrush and spray dark lines between the ribs on biplane wings so that they end up resembling the crosswalk on the cover of a certain well known Beatles album? It's dramatic and it looks cool, and isn't that the idea? Well yes, and, errr... no, not exactly. Cool, yes. Dramatic? I don't think so. I suppose it depends on what you're trying to depict - a semblance of realism, or a Pablo Picasso inspired abstract. "
Sper ca scrierile acestui belzebub... or sa va dea de gandit...