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1/72 Wehrmacht si Waffen SS pe Frontul de Est in toamna lui 44

#1 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 21 February 2010 - 11:37 PM

Imi cer scuze pentru faptul ca descrierea acestei diorame nu am realizat-o si in romana, insa pentru cei interesati sa afle ce am vrut sa reprezint aici, o atasez pe cea in engleza…
Sper sa va placa aceasta mica scena, cu peste 130 figurine (nici o pozitie nu se repeta, multe din ipostaze fiind realizate din conversii ale figurineleor ptr. a se potrivi cu pozitiile din imaginile de referinta...

Firstly, few words about the plot of this small diorama involving more than 130 figs (none of the poses is repeated) and where I tried gathering more scenes in the same place (some of them inspired by reference images). The description is quite long, but maybe if you enjoy the images, then you will return and spend few minutes on this explanation.

Finishing it took me a lot of time, not only the content, that it was done during the last years, but also the photo sessions…I also tried to reduce the number of photos incorporating in the same photo more linked images.

The action takes place somewhere near an Eastern Front forest in a 1944 late autumn warm day. The area, including of course and the house, was previously taken by Germans (bullets in walls, broken windows attesting the fights) but quite soon Red Army is going to strike back.

The area was secured by Wehrmacht but they start preparing to retreat, being changed with Waffen SS who are going to cover the retreat of their comrades. In the area also passes another Wehrmacht colon meeting with another with horses. The latter waits the pedestrian colon to pass in order to get in line.

For the moment enemy is quite far, over the forest. Waffen SS troops try to increase the camouflage of the movements done by Germans, firing Nebel (smoke) projectiles with the mortars.

A Waffen SS patrol is returning from the mission of searching the area, entering in the yard through the back gate.

A Wehrmacht mortar group is lined-up by an officer who gives them some instructions before starting to retreat. There are also few Wehrmacht soldiers gathered in various places while other individual Wehrmacht and Waffen SS are set in different locations on the diorama.

Except the group firing mortars and the one coming from patrol, there are also two groups of Waffen SS soldiers, one representing a radio team and other depicting soldiers spotting the area. Both these last two groups and those of Wehrmacht (the one in Zeltbahns near the fence, the group where one soldier holds a shovel on the arm as well as the two figs in front of this group, the two riders, the cart and its driver) are all trying to copy reference images. In addition, other individual soldiers on the diorama are inspired by images shot in the period.

Some may wonder about the head of the horse pulling the cart, but this one is a mix of breeds, a not so well-treated horse (quite skinny) and more important, is a so-called “painted horse” having in this case only and only the head in another colour. The situation is quite often encountered in East Europe and for example, a similar pattern may be found on some Appaloosas or other painted horses-Tovero pattern. Through this I wanted to depict a not so often encountered horse, but also matching the reference image from where is inspired together with its cart and driver.

Nevertheless, the central point of diorama is the marching colon, grouping 60 solders and some of them are also converted to match with real soldiers appearing in photos shot in that time. I hope you will like how they hold weapons and gear, I tried depicting as many styles I could.

At the end, after Wehrmacht retreats, Waffen SS units will remain a little more and then they will do the same. It is just a small scene that often took place on the Eastern Front…

There are a huge number of modifications inside this scene where I used products from Pegasus Hobbies, Preiser, Warriors, Revell, Hasegawa. The large majority of figures are Preiser and for acquiring a better picture what means an 1/72 figure, I also posted an image showing the process of putting together such a figure. Almost all figs on the diorama had to pass through a similar process.

Almost all figures are multi-part and plenty of them were converted and not assembled after guidelines. Many figs are based on real soldiers appearing in reference images and were heavily converted for matching those soldiers. In addition, scratch-built items like weapon straps, sticks for carrying ammo or cables were scratch-built. Except the horse in front of the colon, the rest were also converted in the same purpose, for matching the real ones from photos of the period. The roof of house is scratch-built for depicting reed and I added glass at windows and bullet holes in the walls and some windows. The cart is completely scratch-built. Likewise, fences, WC, barbecue, trees and other things are scratch-built. The fallen tree trunks are Hasegawa. Plenty of scratch-building was done for both radios in order to look close to a Torn. Fug. d2. One of them is Preiser (the radio) and the other Pegasus Hobbies-used here as battery). For the ground work I add products of various manufacturers, Noch, Faller and a Polish small manufacturer (these were the best, but I cannot remember its name).

I hope you will enjoy this small scene and comments are highly welcome….

Cristian Florescu

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Aceasta postare a fost editata de Panzer_Grenadire: 21 February 2010 - 11:38 PM

#2 Useril este offline   LAV-Z 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 01:41 AM

Fantastic Cristian !!!!

Nici nu stiu la ce coltisor sa ma uit mai intai... ULUITOR NU IMI VINE SA CRED CA MA UIT LA SCARA 1/72... cand am vazut fotografia de pe front langa cea a dioramei mi-a picat falca... acum o caut undeva pe jos, dar cred ca monstrul din mocheta a halit-o... pardon, am uitat ca nu este la scara 1/72... A-HA!!! Am gasit-o...
Casa si terenul le-ai mai folosit pt alte prezentari, dar de data asta si-a gasit adevarata intrebuintare.

Tot ce ai facut aici este EXCEPTIONAL. Dupa ce imi trece socul am sa ma uit mai in detaliu, la fiecare actiune si mai mult ca sigur, o serie de intrebari vor porni pe adresa ta, dar pana atunci FELICITARI pt. sufletul si dedicatia precum si abilitatile tehnice si artistice demonstrate... oare pt. a cata oara...

#3 Useril este offline   marhaba 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 08:34 AM

Impresionant. O munca uriasa dar cu rezultate pe masura. Felicitari maxime! Cristian, daca poti sa-mi spui ce producatori preferi (la rasini si la plastic).

#4 Useril este offline   axor 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 10:57 AM

:drinks: :diablo: waaaaaaaw 130 de ''pitici'' FELICITARI omule !
De buna seama ca ai o vedere agera si o mana rabdare nu mai zic...
Frumoasa lucrare
Imagine atasata: monthly_02_2010/post-2148-1266828855.gif
Mi-ar placea sa vad pe viu figurinele tale
Spor si numai bine :drinks:

#5 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 03:15 PM

Vezi postareaLAV-Z, la 22 Feb 2010, 01:41, a spus:

Fantastic Cristian !!!!

Nici nu stiu la ce coltisor sa ma uit mai intai... ULUITOR NU IMI VINE SA CRED CA MA UIT LA SCARA 1/72... cand am vazut fotografia de pe front langa cea a dioramei mi-a picat falca... acum o caut undeva pe jos, dar cred ca monstrul din mocheta a halit-o... pardon, am uitat ca nu este la scara 1/72... A-HA!!! Am gasit-o...
Casa si terenul le-ai mai folosit pt alte prezentari, dar de data asta si-a gasit adevarata intrebuintare.

Tot ce ai facut aici este EXCEPTIONAL. Dupa ce imi trece socul am sa ma uit mai in detaliu, la fiecare actiune si mai mult ca sigur, o serie de intrebari vor porni pe adresa ta, dar pana atunci FELICITARI pt. sufletul si dedicatia precum si abilitatile tehnice si artistice demonstrate... oare pt. a cata oara...

Multumesc mul pentru mesaj, cuvintele deosebite si atentia pe care o acorzi acestor lucrari - (fiind unul dintre putinii de pe acest forum). :drinks: Imi pare nespus de bine ca iti place atat de mult..... :drinks:
Acesta a fost si scopul, sa pierdeti cat mai mult timp la aceasta diorama.... :pardon:
Intrebarile sunt mai mult decat bine-venite si imi face o deosebita placere sa raspund la ele... :lol:

#6 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 03:45 PM

Vezi postareamarhaba, la 22 Feb 2010, 08:34, a spus:

Impresionant. O munca uriasa dar cu rezultate pe masura. Felicitari maxime! Cristian, daca poti sa-mi spui ce producatori preferi (la rasini si la plastic).

Multumesc ovidiu, intr-adevar am bagat ceva munca aici... :diablo: Numai sedinta foto si prelucrarea imaginilor mi-a luat vreo 5 zile.... :lol:

Referitor la producatori, cei mai buni mass production ii consider pe cei de la Pegasus Hobbies si Preiser.....
In rasina, clar Warriors si apoi MIG Productions...
In metal alb, El Viejo Dragon ...
Daca mai ai si alte intrebari, cu multa placere si totodata, multumesc mult ptr. sustinere pe missing-lynx... :drinks:
Vine raspunsul si acolo cat de curand... :pardon:

Vezi postareaaxor, la 22 Feb 2010, 10:57, a spus:

:huh: :hi: waaaaaaaw 130 de ''pitici'' FELICITARI omule !
De buna seama ca ai o vedere agera si o mana rabdare nu mai zic...
Frumoasa lucrare
Atasament little_o...e_guy_e0.gif
Mi-ar placea sa vad pe viu figurinele tale
Spor si numai bine :-)

Multumesc pentru mesaj si sunt sigur ca la un moment dat vei avea ocazia sa le vezi "live" la vreo expozitie sau intalnire lunara... :pardon:
Arata mai bine in realitate decat in poze... :drinks:

#7 Useril este offline   dani 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 05:11 PM

Fratioare,absolut superb ceea ce ai facut tu acolo...banuiesc ca volumul de munca depus a fost de-a dreptul infernal,dar rezultatul pe masura.So,maestre... :drinks: :diablo: :drinks:...doar cine lucra stie ce inseamna montaj si vopsire la 130 de figurine 1/72.

#8 Useril este offline   Degrelle 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 05:32 PM

Cata rabdare, atata pasiune...Unde mai pui ca ai si o mana de neurolog! Sincere felicitari.

#9 Useril este offline   americanul 

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Postat 22 February 2010 - 06:54 PM

Imi place nespus de mult ceea ce am vazut.
Aceeasi tendinta am si eu uneori , de a lucra pe suprafete mari.
Cred ca o sa incep dioramele si o ti le fac cadou caci rabdarea ta este de-a dreptul fantastica.
Imi plac , o spun din nou, pentru ca imi plac la nebunie soldatii si scenetele create in aceeasi diorama.
Cred ca m-ai inspirat. Pana acum parca imi era frica sa includ mai multe scene intr-o singura diorama, totul crerind un intreg , asa ca in cazul master pice-ului tau.


#10 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 23 February 2010 - 11:40 AM

Vezi postareadani, la 22 Feb 2010, 17:11, a spus:

Fratioare,absolut superb ceea ce ai facut tu acolo...banuiesc ca volumul de munca depus a fost de-a dreptul infernal,dar rezultatul pe masura.So,maestre... :huh: :hi: :-)...doar cine lucra stie ce inseamna montaj si vopsire la 130 de figurine 1/72.

Multumesc mult dani, ai perfecta dreptate, a fost destul de mult de lucru... :diablo:
Noroc ca m-am intins pe o perioada destul de lunga.... :pardon: :drinks:

Vezi postareaDegrelle, la 22 Feb 2010, 17:32, a spus:

Cata rabdare, atata pasiune...Unde mai pui ca ai si o mana de neurolog! Sincere felicitari.

THS, cu rabdarea nu o duc rau, din pacate prost stau la capitolul timp pentru a ma ocupa de pasiune.... :pardon:

Vezi postareaamericanul, la 22 Feb 2010, 18:54, a spus:

Imi place nespus de mult ceea ce am vazut.
Aceeasi tendinta am si eu uneori , de a lucra pe suprafete mari.
Cred ca o sa incep dioramele si o ti le fac cadou caci rabdarea ta este de-a dreptul fantastica.
Imi plac , o spun din nou, pentru ca imi plac la nebunie soldatii si scenetele create in aceeasi diorama.
Cred ca m-ai inspirat. Pana acum parca imi era frica sa includ mai multe scene intr-o singura diorama, totul crerind un intreg , asa ca in cazul master pice-ului tau.


Multumesc pentu mesaj si imi pare bine ca ti-a placut aceasta diorama. De asemenea, sunt foarte bucuros daca acest topic reprezinta o sursa de inspiratie si de-abia astept sa iti vad lucrarile... :drinks: :lol:

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