Am un kit Revell He-111 H6, si pe cadrele pieselor e imprimat He-111 P/H.
Intrebarea: poate fi convertit kitul pentru a face un He-111 P din batalia Angliei, si daca da, in ce mod?
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Intrebare He-111
Postat 22 February 2010 - 12:57 AM
Alta intrebare. Instructiunile pentru H-6 indica vopsirea cockpitului si interiorului cu un light olive (presupun RLM 02). Pe net am citit ca de la varianta H-6 incolo cockpitul era vopsit in RLM 66 (dark gray).
Care din urmatoarele variante este corecta pentru un H-6:
a) cockpit si interior RLM 02
b) cockpit RLM 66, restul interiorului RLM 02
c) cockpit si interior RLM 66
Care din urmatoarele variante este corecta pentru un H-6:
a) cockpit si interior RLM 02
b) cockpit RLM 66, restul interiorului RLM 02
c) cockpit si interior RLM 66
Postat 22 February 2010 - 09:50 AM
si pe cadrele pieselor e imprimat He-111 P/H.
Care din urmatoarele variante este corecta pentru un H-6:
Ca sa nu mai dam nastere la discutii inutile:
The reissue of L.Dv.521 in November 1941 stipulated that all cockpit areas or crew areas visible through a glazed covering were to be painted BlackGray 66, principally as an antiglare measure. The remainder of the interior, including weapons bays and undercarriage housings, were to be finished in Green-Gray 02. Instrument panels were to be Gray 41 with individual instrument locations identified by a letter/number combination, usually hand painted, in either 04 or 21. Certain equipment packs were painted in other shades of 12 gray, e.g., battery housing in Gray 42. (GAM 168.)
Official Monogram Painting Guide to German Aircraft 1935-1945, Kenneth A. Merrick & Thomas H. Hitchcock.
Official Monogram Painting Guide to German Aircraft 1935-1945, Kenneth A. Merrick & Thomas H. Hitchcock.
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