tibi22, la 29 Oct 2009, 12:41, a spus:
Kitchen oven cleaner is very good for cleaning enamel paint even from very old painted models. The good part is you could decant de cleaner and reuse'it many many times! I am happy how it works and generally i need just a paint or a tooth brush to clean paint in some arias.
Kitchen oven cleaner products found into spray cans, can do the job but cost too much because you pay about 3 or 4€ for a 300ml spray canister which does not contain only NaOH but propellant gas too. On the other hand, if you buy pure NaOH in liquid form, you pay the same price and you get 1lt (3.3+ times more product) bottle, which you can fill into a plastic bowl and sink in it as more plastic pieces as you like, same time! The best part is that the NaOH stuff works maximum, because as long as the plastic parts are sunk into NaOH and remain fully covered by the chemical, you do not need to wait overnight and you do not need to apply brushing to remove paint.
tibi22, la 29 Oct 2009, 12:41, a spus:
Some guy's are using brake fluid, this is also corosiv, so it's gone work the same way and "eat" the paint.
As long as brake fluid is not plastic friendly, I would never recomend it for color striping on plastic or styrene parts. Brake fluid can and will melt the plastic and convert it into a corroded mass. Brake fluid can strip colors only from metal parts, but I wouldn't prefer it, because it is expensive, extremely toxic and flameable too. According to me, the best solution from color striping metal parts, is to sink metal parts into a bowl filled with nitro lacquer thinner which is much cheaper and can be also used as modeling putty dissolvent too as I describe in previous pages. As a conclusion, I believe that NaOH is the best enamel color stiper so far, because:
- It is cheap with only 3.50 € per litre,
- It is plastic friendly and does not damage or effect modeling putty inserts,
- It is easy to use, because you only need to simk the model into a bowl filled with NaOH and wait 20 to 40 minutes until it is copletely color free without even try brushing.
Bill, la 29 Oct 2009, 11:27, a spus:
After finishing you must send the autogyro "Somewhere in time" to find the "Seventh son of a seventh son" and return with the "Flight 666". But take care this is a "Matter of life and death". Eddie rules !!
OMG a fellow Iron Maiden fan! Well, I am more close to "
Flight of Icarus" and "
Alexander the Great", just because these songs are dedicated to Greek mythology and the Greatest Greek of all times.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Nick_Karatzides: 29 October 2009 - 04:07 PM