Group-build: Sherman family
Postat 09 May 2009 - 09:57 PM
Nu cred ca sunt necesare alta detalii! Tot ce tine de Sherman si derivatele pe sasiul sau, (oficiale si neoficiale), vom incerca sa le adunam aici! Eu intru cu un M-51 Isherman de la Academy si, foarte curand, un M-50 Super Sherman (metis Dragon-Academy), ambele la "infama" scara (pt unii ) 1/35. Rog adminul sa deschida un nou topic in Group Builds!
Postat 10 May 2009 - 08:23 AM
Bineinteles ca o sa particip si io la acest GB, atat cu cele doua proiecte de M4A1(75) pentru care exista topicuri "WIP" ( COMIC si BATTLING BITCH ), cat si cu unul nou, M4A1(76)W"early" din timpul operatiunii "Cobra".
Si acesta, ca si celalalte, tot in SINGURA SCARA "ADEVARATA", adica 1/48...
Invit cat mai multi frati, sa descopere fascinatia si varietatea celei mai prolifice familii de blindate din WWII !
Rog pe fratele Cartula, sa mute cele doua topicuri susamintite, in noul subforum.
Postat 10 May 2009 - 11:03 AM
Aceasta postare a fost editata de kingtiger3002: 10 May 2009 - 11:19 AM
Postat 30 May 2009 - 07:16 PM
Postat 31 May 2009 - 06:41 PM
kingtiger3002, la 30 May 2009, 20:16, a spus:
Fratioare KT, FOARTE interesanta, tocanita ta shermanista !
As avea o singura rugaminte la matale ! Anume, sa pornesti un TOPIC SEPARAT in acest subforum, dedicat numai proiectului tau.
Asta ca sa lasam acest topic, numai pentru prezentari si pentru probleme generale legate de subiecte shermaniste. In acest fel, va fi mult mai usor de urmarit si discutat, proiectul fiecaruia...
Legat de folosirea pieselor recuperate de la kitul Italeri, as vrea sa te avertizez ca filtrele de aer nu prea-s in regula...
Kitul Italeri a fost inspirat dupe un M4A1(76) aflat intr-un muzeu italienesc (vezi foto mai jos), ale carui filtre sunt o ciudata adaptare de dupa razboi. In esenta, niste filtre timpurii cilindrice, sunt adaptate in bridele de prindere patrate pentru filtrele VORTOX "box shape"... care au echipat in mod standard, aceasta varianta. Greseala asta a preluat-o si HobbyBoss in kitul lor pasoptist, care copiaza (din pacate nu in totalitate) kitul Italeri. Apropo, tot datorita exemplarului italienesc din muzeu, tunul are acea forma ciudata, "in trepte".
Te-as sfatui sa folosesti niste filtre de la M4 Tamiya, sau de la unul din multele kituri Dragoneze. Imposibil sa nu aiba f'un fratior surplus, doua VORTOX-uri "box shape".
Trapa de acces la motor a kitului Italeri, este in schimb FOARTE BUNA, ajutajul blindat pentru admisia aerului, este exact varianta care-ti trebe pentru proiectul tau. Poate are cineva surplus o coca superioara Italeri, sa ti-o doneze... ca sa scapi de batai de cap... ?!? ...
Succes, Fratioare !
Aceasta postare a fost editata de DRAGOS: 31 May 2009 - 06:47 PM
Postat 31 May 2009 - 06:58 PM
"Kit list (Plastic)
Not up to date but close. The new Firefly 1c and the Tasca and Cyberhobby M4A2's are not on the list:
M4 Sherman (Sherman I, 1c)
Italeri (6389) M4 Sherman USMC (Actually an M4A3 with some not all parts for an M4A2 Late Has Wading gear)
Tamiya (35190) M4 Sherman (Early Production) (Incorrect Hull glacis actually an M4A4 one; not early more remanufactured mid)
Dragon (6228) (Announced three years ago still waiting)
Dragon (9037) Sherman Firefly Ic Hybrid-Hull (Came in two kit variants one as a 2-1 with alternate excellent late High Bustle 75mm turret. Re releaeased in 2007 without 2-1 option)
Dragon (tba) PTO 75mm M4Composite (Announced for later this year)
M4A1 Sherman (Sherman II, IIa)
Dragon (6083) M4A1 (76)W "Operation Cobra"
Italeri (225) M4A1 (76) W Sherman
Nichimo (unk) M4A1 Sherman ((Also released by Minicraft)
Tasca (35-010) M4A1 Sherman (Mid Production)
Tasca (35-012) M4A1 Sherman (Late Production) (Actually Mid with some late features also released as ltd ED with Brit Stowage, Figure and 4AB markings which are really wrong))
Testors (803) M4A1 Sherman (Actually Italeri M4A1 (76) W kit number 225)
Dragon(6447) M4A1 DV (Announced)
Matchbox (???) M4A1 (76) W (Rebox of italeri 225)
Revell (???)M4A1 (76) W (Rebox of italeri 225)
M4A2 Sherman (Sherman III, IIIa)
Academy (13010) M4A2 (76) Red Army (Incorrect rear hull angle on EARLY kits later corrected)
Dragon (6188) M4A2 (76) Red Army
Academy (13203) M4A2 Sherman USMC (47 deg late dry hull with Wading gear & T48 tracks with EEC)
Dragon (6062) M4A2 "Tarawa" (Mid/Early Welded Hoods)
Dragon (6462) M4A2 U.S.M.C. Sherman Late PTO 2-In-1 (Late 47 deg dry hull with wooden appliqué and T54 tracks with and without EEC)
Dragon (6313) Sherman Mk. III (Cast Hood variant with 3 piece transmission and T54 tracks)
Dragon (6231) Sherman Mk. III Mid Production Sicily (Welded hoods with Brit acc from kit 6313 and WE 210 tracks)
M4A3 Sherman (Sherman IV, IVb, IV,by, IVa, IVay)
Dragon (6354) M4A3 105 HVSS (incorrect mantlet Size)
Dragon (???) POA Flamethrower variant (Old Italeri Lower Hull with excellent new turret, individual links)
Academy (13207) M4A3 105mm w/M1 Dozer Blade (Blade width incorrect half way between M1 and M1A1)
Tamiya (35251) M4A3 Sherman 105mm Howitzer (Assault Support) (Comes with Winter US Infantry figures)
Dragon (6255) M4A3 (76)W VVSS "Battle of the Bulge" (Comes with DML US Tank Crew and 101st AB Bastogne Figure sets)
Italeri (6440) M4A3 76mm Sherman (Labelled as M4A2 Jumbo!)
Heller (81161) M4A3 Sherman (Re Release of Italeri 6440 with new markings)
Italeri (288) M4A3 Late Sherman w/Calliope (First Sherman Kit with double sided detail on Roadwheels)
Tamiya (35122) M4A3 Sherman w/75mm Gun (With T54 track and large EEC)
Tamiya (35250) M4A3 Sherman 75mm Gun Late (as for 35122 with t48 track and figures US Inf Winter)
Tamiya (35139) M4A3E2 Sherman "Jumbo" (No armoured transmission cover turret undersize)
Dragon (6183) M4A3E8 "Thunderbolt VII"
Dragon (6283) M4A3E8 Sherman "Major Albin F. Irzyk" (Bad Hybrid of 6255 and earlier HVSS gear)
Dragon (6811) M4A3E8 HVSS WW2(Based on Italeri M4A3 late with T66 track individual link and appliqué armour expedient Jumbo)
Dragon (9009) M4A3E8 "Easy 8" Korean War (Based on Italeri M4A3 late with T80 track individual link)
M4A4 Sherman (Sherman V, Vc)
Dragon (6035) M4A4 Sherman (Original had incorrect length lower hull - Re released in 2007 with corrected Lower Hull 6 marking options)
Dragon (6041) M4A4 w/60lb Rocket
Dragon (6031) Sherman Vc Firefly (Incorrect Lower hull length and poor mantlet height in turret face, incorrect late Bogies superceded by 6121)
Dragon (6121) Sherman Vc Firefly (Still has Incorrect Lower hull length and poor mantlet height in turret face, correct Mid M4 bogies and 60lb rocket options superceded by 6182)
Dragon (6182) Sherman Vc Firefly (Corrected Hull and turret , but IMHO still wrong in small ways such as radio pot)
Dragon (6323) Sherman Vc Firefly "Douglas Kay" (Ltd Ed kit of 6182 for DX 07 Euro)
Tasca (35-009) Sherman Vc Firefly
Tasca (35-011) Sherman Vc Firefly w/Cast Cheek-armour Turret
M50 Isreali Sherman
Dragon (3528)
MP Models (???) (OOP limited run injection kit with individual links)
M51 Israeli Sherman (aka Isherman/Super Sherman)
Dragon (3529)
Dragon (3539) Premium Edition
Academy (1373)
Achilles Mk II.c (M10 17 pdr)
AFV Club (35039)
Academy (1392)
Kangaroo Personnel Carrier (Defrocked Priest)
Italeri (204)
M3 Grant
Academy (13212)
Tamiya (35041)
M3 Lee
Academy (13206) M3 Lee
Tamiya (35039) M3 Lee Mk I
M7 "Priest"
Academy (13210) M7 "Priest"
Italeri (206) M7 "Priest"
M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer
AFV Club (35024) M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer
AFV Club (35S07) M10 Wolverine (Late Production)
Academy (1393) M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer
Academy (1397) M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer
Tamiya (89554) M10 Wolverine Tank Destroyer ) (Actually in mixed scales of 35th & 32nd Tracks are woefull old 70s motorised kit )
M12 155mm Gun Motor Carriage
Academy (1394)
M32 Armored Recovery Vehicle
Italeri (6203)
Testors (806) (Rebox of Italeri)
M35 Prime Mover
AFV Club (35S08) (Hopeless attempt to rehash has wrong engine decking for M35)
M36 Jackson Tank Destroyer
AFV Club (35058) (Wrong Engine deck type for M36, bad gun tube is post war M3 minus the Extractor)
Academy (1395) (Postwar parts included)
Italeri (250) (Actually an M36B1 on M4A3 lower Hull)
Tamiya (MT 135) (Actually in mixed scales of 35th & 32nd Tracks are woefull old 70s motorised kit )
M40 155mm Gun Motor Carriage
AFV Club (35031) M40 155mm Gun Motor Carriage "Big Shot" "
Si, o completare :
"Great List, here are a few adds:
M4A1 Sherman (Sherman II)
Dragon (6048) M4A1 Sherman 75mm Early
Minicraft (1301) M4A1 Sherman
Tasca (35-014) Herman II, DV, El alamein 1942
M4A2 Sherman
Italeri (0256) M4A2 Sherman Jumbo
M4A3 Sherman
Dragon (9009X) M4A3E8 Sherman with Easy Resin Hull
Dragon (9010) M4A3 Sherman (76)W HVSS
Dragon (9010X) M4A3 Sherman (76)WHVSS with Easy Resin Hull
Italeri (0253) M4A3 Sherman Jumbo
Tamiya (MM-222A) M4A3 Sherman
Tamiya (MT-118A0 M4A3E8 Sherman
M4A4 (Sherman V)
Tasca (35-016) Sherman V
M3 Grant
Airfix (8365-

M3 Lee
Airfix (8364-5) M3 Lee 1/32
Monogram (7536) M3 Lee 1/32
Tamiya (MM139A) M3 Lee
Italeri (0203) M32 Recovery Vehicle
The Part number for the MP Models M50 is 10101
I hope that this additional list helps. "
Topicul original de unde provin aceste liste, este acesta:
Aceasta postare a fost editata de DRAGOS: 31 May 2009 - 07:00 PM
Postat 07 June 2009 - 10:03 PM
Evident supliciile kitului pot fi preintampinate prin achitarea taxei de 130 ron (pret kit si daune emotionale). Cunoscand situatia de criza (ca pe propiile-mi buzunare) Firefly se pregateste, resemnat, pentru ce-i mai rau.
Postat 08 June 2009 - 06:56 AM
alexie, la 7 Jun 2009, 23:03, a spus:
Pai, ma bucur tare pentru alaturarea-ti la respectiva tagma...
Mai avem un Dulce Frate , care participa tot cu un Firefly Vc, care-i ( apropo ) o conversie ( britanica ) bazata pe M4A4, NU pe M4A1...
Inmatricularea masinariei lui Douglas Key ( "CAROLE" ), din regimentul 13/18 Hussars, este o alegere fericita pe care o aplaud TARE !
AI GRIJA, totusi, turela adevaratului "CAROLE" era un "low bustle" tarziu... FARA trapa de comunicatie laterala SI CU "obrazul drept ingrosat", de blindajul suplimentar turnat...
Succes !
Imagini atasate
Postat 15 June 2009 - 05:31 AM
romeo, la 14 Jun 2009, 23:11, a spus:
Eheee... 'coane Romeo, ce surpriza faina ne facusi !
Ma bucur tare, ca te-ai decis intr-un sfarsit, sa ni te-alaturi...
Pana la "viitorul apropiat", pohteste matale de deschide un topic separat, in care sa ne povestesti despre chitibusurile kitului Italeri si... despre abordarea lu' matale. Cat despre pictorial... raman dator, asa cum ti-am promis !
Postat 19 June 2009 - 12:23 PM
Postat 29 June 2009 - 06:16 PM
1. Ce fel de M4A2 era, pentru că pe shermanistică nu le am deloc şi mi se pare că are caracteristici diferite de ale altor M4A2-uri?
2. Ce kit de Sherman ar fi cel mai potrivit pentru a realiza maşinăria în cauză (bineînţeles, în infama scară 1/35)?
3. Ce decaluri (altele decât cele de la Archer Transfers) există pentru a înmatricula un vehicul franţuzesc WWII (ar fi ideal chiar Douaumont)?
Mulţumiri anticipate.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Michael_Wittmann: 29 June 2009 - 06:17 PM