Cum ne-au botzit aveonu
... l-au " eliberat" de nu se mai poate ghici nimic inmatricularea initiala .
Ps. Parca sub steaua de pe coada se poate vedea o svastica ?
Legenda zice : " I have scanned the attached photo from a book about Ploesti written by Gen.Twining in 1945. The photo was shot by the US OSS mission people in Bucharest when the Russians and Americans were still allies. Regarding the photo perhaps some one can identify the location of the facility in Bucharest and if later on this type of airplane was used by VVS in the Hungarian campaign. It looks like the type is a Bf 110 F4. It could be as well used by romanians or by germans before captured by the soviets after 23 august 44.
The letter "A" painted on the nose is a leftover german radiocode ( like "A" from 2Z + AW ). I doubt that there were used on hungarian front.
The location possible Otopeni where was the former Bf 110 german base or possible Targsor airfield due to the fact that a soviet fighter regiment was stationed there after 23 august 44. "
Link :
Ps .
Acesta vad ca are litera A pe nas . Oare a ramas la ei sau ni l-au dat ulterior noua ?
Mai este unul mai cunoscut , marcat F (?) .
Acesta se spune ca a zburat ca si curier in FARR dupa 23 august . Fiindca nu am gasit nici o poza care sa arate ce insemne a avut cat timp sa aflat in dotarea noastra , ma gandesc oare si acesta ar fi putut fi vopsit de sovietici la fel ca si " A" , iar apoi ai nostrii i-or fi vopsit cocarde si inelul alb peste acea culoare care acopera insemnele initiale de pe fuselaj si ar fi putut fi de provenienta ruseasca ( posibil griu lor deschis) ?
Pps . Oare ceea ce pare a fi vopsit cu ceva foarte deschis chiar in fatza griului mai inchis ( si posibil rusesec) peste care au pictat steaua ... o fi oare vopsea sau lumina ?
Pare vopsea , cu care probabil ai nostrii au obliterat insemnele germane ...
Aceasta postare a fost editata de dany: 11 February 2020 - 12:08 AM