Al Doilea Razboi Mondial in fotografii(a/n sau color) o"baza de date"comuna.
Postat 14 June 2016 - 12:33 PM
Doua remarci mi s-au parut interesante sau deosebite:
1. ca a fost folosit ca decor pentru un film frantuzesc intre 1938-1940, bazat pe un Farman (ceea ce mi se pare plauzibil raportat la cat de nepractic mi se pare si cata informatie se pare ca e dsiponibila- come on, chiar sa faci cel putin doua avioane si sa nu fie documentat nimic?)
si 2 (citez):
"Apologies for not posting this earlier, but this info was posted on TOCH by 'Jeanba' back in August:
I think there was a reference to this aircraft in a french TV program called "L'Histoire de l'Aviation".
Unfortunately, the test pilot did not explicitely named the aircraft but said that it had a tank turret and was nicknamed "100 partout" ("one hundred everywhere") because max speed was 100 kph, so was minimum speed, and the oil temperature (in degrees celsius) and the ceiling (in meters).
Sounds like winning design..."
Legat de punctul 2, am cuatat un model de tureta de tanc, cu 3 tevi care sa semene cu cea din poza. Nu am gasit nimic. In caz ca nu e pacaleala, poate asta e o noua cale. Identificarea turelei, presupunand ca e imprumutata de la altceva.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Stefan_M: 14 June 2016 - 12:40 PM
Postat 14 June 2016 - 01:58 PM
Cat despre turela de tanc...n-o sa gasesti nimic de gen care sa fi fost imprumutata de la vreun tanc,fie el francez sa nu.
Armele (mie imi par mai degraba niste cozi de matura) sunt foarte asemanatoare cu niste mitraliere Hotchkiss mle 35 calibru 13,2 mm, foarte folosite de francezi pe vremea aceea ,dar...
Oricum nu cred sa fie un avion produs de serie si asta daca m-as uita doar la soldatul neamt ce il examineaza/fotografiaza. E clar ca n-a mai vazut, inca, o asa aberatie si-i curios.
Dupa cum arata "imbracamintea" fuselajului, de la un punct incolo imi pare placaj.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Longinus: 14 June 2016 - 01:58 PM
Postat 14 June 2016 - 03:25 PM
Longinus, la 14 June 2016 - 01:58 PM, a spus:
Cat despre turela de tanc...n-o sa gasesti nimic de gen care sa fi fost imprumutata de la vreun tanc,fie el francez sa nu.
Armele (mie imi par mai degraba niste cozi de matura) sunt foarte asemanatoare cu niste mitraliere Hotchkiss mle 35 calibru 13,2 mm, foarte folosite de francezi pe vremea aceea ,dar...
Oricum nu cred sa fie un avion produs de serie si asta daca m-as uita doar la soldatul neamt ce il examineaza/fotografiaza. E clar ca n-a mai vazut, inca, o asa aberatie si-i curios.
Dupa cum arata "imbracamintea" fuselajului, de la un punct incolo imi pare placaj.
Nu era musai sa toarne filmul cu Junkersul in spate. Au construit chestia aia pt film, a venit razbelul si au aruncat-o la gunoi a doua zi. Poate ma repet, dar argumentul care ma face sa cred ca ala nu-i un avion adevarat(fie diversiune pt recunoatere, fie film, fie un prototip static) e faptul ca turela aia e opaca si tunurile/mitrarielele nu pot fi manevrata pe inaltime.
La faza cu turela de tanc am facut referire la ce a spus presupusul pilot de test, daca o fi adevarat, ca au montat o turela de tanc.
Postat 14 June 2016 - 03:57 PM
O turelă de tanc e grea. Cântăreşte pe puțin o tonă, în varianta cea mai optimistă. Încep să cred că poza asta este o păcăleală.
În fine.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Longinus: 14 June 2016 - 03:58 PM
Postat 14 June 2016 - 04:16 PM
Longinus, la 14 June 2016 - 03:57 PM, a spus:
O turelă de tanc e grea. Cântăreşte pe puțin o tonă, în varianta cea mai optimistă. Încep să cred că poza asta este o păcăleală.
În fine.
sau asa...x forumuri unde atatia isi dau in petec cu cunstiintele lor :D ar fi o gluma destul de buna
Pana la urma cineva a facut o gluma cu avionul ala, intetionat sau nu.
am mai gasit ceva pe un site frantuzesc(google translate):
This aircraft was the subject of a request for identification in an old Aero Journal, No. 18. Unfortunately I do not have the number where the answer would have been given.
The information data were: camera photographed in 1941-1942 on the basis of Chièvres Belgium, 404 Luftwaffe base which ensured the recovery of wrecks . Belgium and northern France
response Editor of the magazine is rather vague: it proposes a hybrid between nose Potez 62/65 and rear stabilizer Farman 223.
Actually, nobody really knows what it is, not even me also. According to various forums that talk (even American, ie you), the most likely solution would be aircraft decoys or false prototypes patched with bits of Farman series and 220 series Potez 62 or 65 in the to deceive the enemy. As for the turret, it seems completely fictitious. I had hoped that someone would have been able to tell us more, our Belgian friends can be found on the forum.
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Stefan_M: 14 June 2016 - 04:30 PM
Postat 21 June 2016 - 06:10 PM
Mai jos este un articol publicat pe
"Three Dekabrist-type submarines – Revolutsioner, Spartakovets, and Yakobinets – were laid down in Nikolayev on March 25, 1927. Revival of Black Sea submarine fleet started then. Late in 30's, number of subs increased significantly.
Black Sea Fleet had in inventory 44 serviceable submarines by June 22, 1941 including 6 large, 19 medium, and 19 small ones. Twenty five subs were in service, 19 – under repair. Sevastopol ship repair plant conducted capital overhaul of D-4, D-6, L-6, A-1; interim overhaul – Sch-207, Sch-212, A-2, M-55; current repairs – L-4, Sch-203, Sch-213, A-3, A-5, M-51. Nikolayev shipyard repaired Sch-214, Sch-215, M-59, and M-60. Interim overhaul of M-54 was at final stage at Comintern Shipyard (Kherson).
Other 17 submarines were in different phases of completion. Among them, Sch-216, M-111, M-112, M-113, M-117, M-118, M-120, and L-23 were commissioned in July-October 1941, and L-24 – on April 29, 1942.
Except for five AG-type submarines (A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, A-5), all subs were commissioned into Black Sea Fleet in 30's-40's and had quite high performance characteristics. However, pre-war plans to use submarines and the entire Soviet naval doctrine were far from objective reality.
Since late 20's main task of our Navy was repelling attacks of British "Grand Fleet" on Kronshtadt and Sevastopol bases. Submarines and surface ships were supposed to attack enemy squadrons nearby home bases and patrol littoral waters. Actions at opponent's sea lanes were not excluded, but were actually ignored. According to our admirals, torpedo boats and fighters were to be used only around naval bases.
Before the World War II, Soviet aircraft designers developed and tested several types of twin-engine long-range fighters. Finally, the Soviet Union could have just copy German Me-110 fighter, five of them were purchased in 1940. But unfortunately, for some reason neither Air Force nor Navy purchased any long-range fighters.
As a result, in 1941 neither torpedo boats nor fighters could support our subs off Romania, Bulgaria, and Turkey. And make no mistake – Black Sea Fleet had 78 torpedo boats at that time, more than any navy worldwide!
By June 22, 1941 Black Sea Fleet naval aviation operated 624 airplanes including 346. Is it much or few? To compare, by August 1, 1939 Poland had 771 airplanes including 280 fighters, so Black Sea Fleet's fighter park was 1.2 times as large as Polish one.
What is more, Black Sea Fleet Commander Admiral Philip Oktyabrsky sent most of submarines to defend approaches to Soviet bases from virtual Italian fleet but not to the enemy's sea lanes. For one, twelve subs were dispatched to protect Soviet coast on June 23, 1941 and only 3 – Sch-205, Sch-206 and Sch-209 – to patrol Romanian and Bulgarian coast.
Keep in mind that our historians carefully sidestep the fact of huge cargo traffic between mouth of Danube River, ports of Romania and Bosporus. In 1941-1944 that sea lane was used not only for oil traffic but military and commercial cargoes from the Third Reich via Danube River. German bases on the Aegean Sea islands, in Greece and Balkans drew supplies through the Black Sea. Leaving Danube River, Nazi river/sea class ships could reach Naples, Genoa, Marseilles, and Toulon.
BSF submariners attacked that sea lane, and then the route Constantinople – Odessa – Sevastopol – Anapa, but unfortunately could not break them.
In 1941-1944, Soviet submarines had conducted 152 attacks in the Black Sea. As a result, Germans and Romanians lost 12 transport ships, 2 tugs, 3 barges, 6 fast-speed landing barges, a ferry, and 19 Bulgarian and Turkish coastwise vessels and schooners. In return, 27 Soviet subs were scuppered or lost.
Obviously, actions of Soviet submarines might have been much more successful if only our admirals direct warfare adequately. The question is that instead of wearing patrols around home bases, it would be better to support subs at enemy sea lanes by torpedo boats, destroyers, and fighters. And, of course, it should be mentioned about functions unusual for submarines such as cargo transportations from Caucasus to Sevastopol. Who made Admiral Oktyabrsky help Germans, 'pepper' approaches to Sevastopol with thousands of mines and remove most of antiaircraft artillery and munitions from Sevastopol in November-December 1941? And then submariners had to clear up the mess made by admirals and deliver munitions back to Sevastopol.
Anyways, Black Sea Fleet submariners had done their duty to the country completely and made substantial contribution to defeat of Germany and Romania, as well as safeguarded Turkey's neutrality."
Postat 22 June 2016 - 03:49 PM
In ceea ce ma priveste eu prefer varianta noastra de istorie (http://www.tvrplus.r...-regelui-427525).
Postat 22 June 2016 - 05:32 PM
Maresalul Ion Antonescu la bordul unui monitor
bogdan1, la 22 June 2016 - 03:49 PM, a spus:
In ceea ce ma priveste eu prefer varianta noastra de istorie (http://www.tvrplus.r...-regelui-427525).
Perfect adevarat, Bogdan1!
Iata un alt citat de pe
"A peace treaty between Russia and Turkey was signed at San Stephano on 19 February 1878. The Osman Empire acknowledged the independence of Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and the southern part of Bessarabia, while the fortresses of Kars, Ardagan, Batum and Bayazet were relinquished to Russia. Although these conditions were acceptable to Turkey, they were not recognized by Britain, which dispatched a large squadron to the Sea of Marmara."
No comment!
Aceasta postare a fost editata de 177: 22 June 2016 - 05:34 PM
Postat 23 June 2016 - 07:52 AM
Despre felul în care ruşii (re)scriu istoria, nu vreau să fac niciun comentariu. Apetența lor pentru misticizare o cunoaşte (aproape) oricine.
Totuşi din extrasul de articolaş de pe rusnavy sau cum se cheamă, am citit cu surprindere că submarinele colhozului au atacat( şi scufundat), în Marea Neagră, inclusiv nave turceşti.După câtă citire am reuşit eu să aprofundez, Turcia a fost stat neutru, în ww 2.
Oare mujicii de la comanda submersibilelor colhoznice să nu fi ştiut asta, ori pentru ei tot ce plutea, era inamic ?
Ştiu că personaje cu trecut "ilustru" în ceea ce se chema mai demult KGB, ajunse astăzi în politică, ba unii reprezintă corp diplomatic în țara noastră, au neobrăzarea să ne califice ca fiind fascişti, inclusiv cu sintagme de gen " jandarmul român".
Nu că m-aş deranja să discut cu asemenea specimene, dar pentru conformitate aş vrea să subliniez că dintre foştii aliați din ww2, mujicii sunt singurii care ne numesc astfel: fascişti români.
N-o fac nici englezii, nici francezii,nici polonezii, nici măcar americanii(cu mici excepții ce țin de anumită etnie, care vede în orice critică, o dovadă de antisemitism, dar asta deja ține de alte criterii decât istoria).
Şi ar mai fi ceva, că tot am marcat cei 75 de ani :
mujicii par să uite că nu noi, românii, am semnat Pactul Ribentropp-Molotov, iar România a oferit azil polonezilor atacați mişeleşte de trupele bolşevice şi lăsați practic fără țară.
În scop ilustrativ, susținînd perorația mea, noroc cu memoria camerei foto, deşi unii ar fi în stare să spună că sunt trucaje, trei imagini în care nu apare niciun soldat român .
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Longinus: 23 June 2016 - 08:03 AM
Postat 23 June 2016 - 01:14 PM
Longinus, la 23 June 2016 - 12:48 PM, a spus:
ha ha, bun raspuns.Cu permisiunea ta o sa te citez cand unii dintre amicii mei istorici si patrioti de fb mai dau share la cate o aberatie.
Postat 23 June 2016 - 08:50 PM
Longinus, la 23 June 2016 - 07:52 AM, a spus:
Totuşi din extrasul de articolaş de pe rusnavy sau cum se cheamă, am citit cu surprindere că submarinele colhozului au atacat( şi scufundat), în Marea Neagră, inclusiv nave turceşti.După câtă citire am reuşit eu să aprofundez, Turcia a fost stat neutru, în ww 2.
Oare mujicii de la comanda submersibilelor colhoznice să nu fi ştiut asta, ori pentru ei tot ce plutea, era inamic ?
Vezi scufundarea vasului turcesc Mefküre, plin cu refugiati scufundat la 05.08.1944 de catre submarinul sovietic SC-215.
Postat 29 June 2016 - 08:17 PM