GMC CCKW353 6x6 Truck HELLER 1/35
Postat 28 August 2008 - 10:10 PM
Longinus, la 28 Aug 2008, 23:03, a spus:
Yes,now we have a complete picture with 6x6 General Motors.
-and what next?(I mean AFV,of course);another truck,or maybe an armored car
?something german,this time? 

-and what next?(I mean AFV,of course);another truck,or maybe an armored car

Next time another truck it will be a German,Opel Blitz

Postat 28 August 2008 - 10:43 PM
Foarte interesanta solutie aleasa. Din cutia de transfer ies 3 cardane ...cite unul pentru fiecare punte. La cum arata, oare cele 2 punti spate functionau simultan in conditii de asfalt pentru ca sincer nu prea cred, si acelasi lucru il presupun si despre puntea fata. Are cineva idee care era modul de utilizare al puntilor in conditii de drum "bun" ?
PS - la diferentialele de la cele 2 punti spate se vad "goluri" de la injectie
PS - la diferentialele de la cele 2 punti spate se vad "goluri" de la injectie
Postat 29 August 2008 - 09:42 PM
AdiP, la 29 Aug 2008, 22:05, a spus:
Nice work Saber !!!
This kit reprezent the fact that you will change you're profile, from aircraft to AFV ?
-Beware, it is a big disease !
This kit reprezent the fact that you will change you're profile, from aircraft to AFV ?

-Beware, it is a big disease !

Thanks Adip,
This is realy disease,my next projet will be anaother AVF modeling....but I don't know can I cancel aircraft modeling

Aceasta postare a fost editata de saber: 29 August 2008 - 09:44 PM