Figurinele sint sigilate, cutiile s-au deschis doar pentru verificare pieselor.
Daca sint doritori vreau sa iau comenzile aici timp de 2 saptamani si dupa termenul asta o sa-l rog sa-mi trimite figurinele. Transportul din Turcia pana aici il plateste el.
Peste preturile figurinelor se adauga transportul (curier sau posta) la adresa cumparatorului.
La cumparaurile de peste 100 face o reducere de 10%. Asa ca poate va adunati din acelasi oras sa rezolvati treaba.
Romeo Models
54054- The Trailboss 24
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54073- Wehrmacht soldier 24
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54062- Lokros Hoplite 24
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54072- Double pay Landsquenet 24
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54081- Grenadier of the Royal Guard Standard Bearer 24
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54069- Greek Commander 24
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54064- Apulian Leader 24
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54078- Zouave of the Guard 24
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Pegaso Models
54118- Templar Order Knight, 24
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54217- Samurai late Muromachi period 24
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75018- Roman Legionary in Lorica Segmentata, 1st Century AD 33
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75042- Montezuma 33
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75040- Francois L'Olonnais 38
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