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Noutati interesante subiecte Romanesti

#461 Useril este offline   Romi 

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Postat 30 November 2020 - 02:05 PM

Gata e in stoc 109E4 SH
14,80 euro cu discount 10%
8 euro shipping adica suntem 4 cate 2 / pers
1, Eu

Vezi postarea1-0-9, la 20 November 2020 - 01:25 PM, a spus:

In razboiul messerelor, Az anunta cele patru prime cutii pentru sfarsitul lui noiembrie:

Atasament AZ7660_box.jpgAtasament AZ7660_kamo.jpg
Atasament AZ7661_box.jpgAtasament AZ7661_kamo.jpg
Atasament AZ7658_box.jpgAtasament AZ7658_kamo.jpg
Atasament AZ7663_box.jpgAtasament AZ7663_kamo.jpg

...alte patru urmand in decembrie si altele (inca secrete :) pentru ianuarie.

Atasament AZ7662_cista-scaled.jpgAtasament AZ7662_kamo.jpg
Atasament AZ7664_cista-scaled.jpgAtasament AZ7664_kamo.jpg
Atasament AZ7659_cista-scaled.jpgAtasament AZ7659_kamo.jpg
Atasament AZ7666_cista-scaled.jpgAtasament AZ7666_kamo.jpg

#462 Useril este offline   SorinTanase 

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Postat 30 November 2020 - 02:56 PM

Super.cum procedam?

#463 Useril este offline   Finn 

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Postat 30 November 2020 - 05:49 PM

Nu stiu daca ati observat, dar mastile pentru el se vand separat:
iar decalul cu camuflajul ala interesant pentru avionul lui Wick, pare sa fie tot aftermarket (e mentionat in instructiuni drept K72031 si nici macar nu apare pe site. Presupun ca nu l-au scos inca la vanzare.

#464 Useril este offline   Romi 

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Postat 01 December 2020 - 10:56 AM

109E4 SH 72439
1, Eu
5.cris -2 buc
Diseara dau c-da

Finn -asa e in capitalism, nimic nou. Eu o sa imi iau 1 buc oricum.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Romi: 01 December 2020 - 10:57 AM

#465 Useril este offline   1-0-9 

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Postat 02 December 2020 - 03:21 PM

Din newsletterul Eduard, decembrie - A dat de i-a julit :

"April will see the release of Adlerangriff 1:72 and it will share the marking options of its bigger brothers, even though there may be minor changes made. In terms of the plastic.

This will come from the Bf 109E Special Hobby kit, which came about as a co-operative effort between Special Hobby and Eduard.

Our share of the work is less significant, and more of the work was handled by our colleagues at Special Hobby, who took our original 1:48th scale kit and altered it, corrected it, generally modernised it, brought it in line with the latest research available, and put it into production. Development of the kit was also taken part in by a third party, which, for now, would like to remain anonymous, but also put forth a wonderful effort. It was the third party that made the moulds, and that produces the plastic.

We all worked together to put this kit into production within five months. If you would like to know if such co-operative efforts will continue, the answer is yes.

This pilot project has shown that data used on past kits can be used for the development of newer and better versions of them.

This provides a better and more user-friendly product than the still practised and, unfortunately, accepted method in the Czech Republic of illegally copying an older model, making epoxy short-run forms, and passing them off on an unsuspecting customers as corrected, 3D designed, items, or other such complete crap. The ‘3D’, in these instances, really stands for ‘Dishonest, Desperate and Disgusting’. This is exactly what this practice is. An avalanche of Bf 109E kits created in just this way are about to hit the market here under a traditional brand name.
Although some see me as a kind of ‘modelling Don Quixote’ and my battle against plagiarism as doomed, I believe it is not. I hold out faith in the belief that modellers, as a whole, want quality for their money and they want sincere, hard work behind the products they purchase. These are the people that will not even (rightfully so) forgive an incorrect colour call-out on a handle in a cockpit in an instruction sheet, and, I believe, will prefer either a new, well researched and truly beautiful kit from Special Hobby or, later, Eduard, or even an older, but still relevant and less expensive original Tamiya kit. Take care of what you are purchasing, and don’t be afraid to ask where it originated from. It will be worth the effort.

Eduard will get into the release schedule of the new Bf 109E in April. The Special Hobby kit will be accessorized with our usual items, placing it in a higher retail cost bracket, and so will be aimed at the more demanding segment of the modelling public. Later, we will continue with the Bf 109E with not just further Limited Edition kits, but also with ProfiPACK and Weekend editions as well. I think that, together with our friends at Special Hobby, we will demonstrate that a homerun can be hit with a small model."

#466 Useril este offline   Longinus 

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Postat 02 December 2020 - 06:56 PM

Foarte bine spus, mai ales partea cu plagiatul.

#467 Useril este offline   Romi 

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Postat 03 December 2020 - 09:32 AM

Da da, Cred ca Az e infractorul,,,,

#468 Useril este offline   SorinTanase 

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Postat 12 December 2020 - 11:01 PM

Salut.ce se mai aude cu 109 ?

#469 Useril este offline   Romi 

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Postat 14 December 2020 - 08:38 PM

Desi era in stoc cand am facut comanda, nu au trimis nimic. Am platit dar la status scrie waiting for stock(asteptam sa intre in stoc)

#470 Useril este offline   SorinTanase 

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Postat 15 December 2020 - 02:15 PM

Vezi postareaRomi, la 14 December 2020 - 08:38 PM, a spus:

Desi era in stoc cand am facut comanda, nu au trimis nimic. Am platit dar la status scrie waiting for stock(asteptam sa intre in stoc)

Pai sa asteptam.

#471 Useril este offline   zachs 

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Postat 15 December 2020 - 03:16 PM

PZL P.11c (si)cu insemne romanesti, la 1:48:

#472 Useril este offline   mamutel 

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Postat 16 December 2020 - 08:18 PM

MIG 21 LANCER Conversion For EDUARD 1/72 MIG 21 M/MF KIT

Attention!!! No decal provided yet!!!!

This kit is is for those who already bought the Parc Models 1/72 decal sheet
or wants to buy only the resin upgrade.

The kit includes:

16 Resin parts
8 Photo etched parts
Color Instructions

Imagine postata
Imagine postata
Imagine postata
Imagine postata

pret 13 euro
comenzi pe mesagerie

Aceasta postare a fost editata de mamutel: 16 December 2020 - 08:22 PM

#473 Useril este offline   zachs 

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Postat 16 December 2020 - 08:29 PM

Vezi postareamamutel, la 16 December 2020 - 08:18 PM, a spus:

MIG 21 LANCER Conversion For EDUARD 1/72 MIG 21 M/MF KIT

Attention!!! No decal provided yet!!!!

This kit is is for those who already bought the Parc Models 1/72 decal sheet
or wants to buy only the resin upgrade.

The kit includes:

16 Resin parts
8 Photo etched parts
Color Instructions

Imagine postata
Imagine postata
Imagine postata
Imagine postata

pret 13 euro
comenzi pe mesagerie

Ma bag! Tinem legatura!

#474 Useril este offline   SorinTanase 

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Postat 17 December 2020 - 07:09 PM

Vezi postareamamutel, la 16 December 2020 - 08:18 PM, a spus:

MIG 21 LANCER Conversion For EDUARD 1/72 MIG 21 M/MF KIT

Attention!!! No decal provided yet!!!!
This kit is is for those who already bought the Parc Models 1/72 decal sheet
or wants to buy only the resin upgrade.

The kit includes:

16 Resin parts
8 Photo etched parts
Color Instructions

Imagine postata
Imagine postata
Imagine postata
Imagine postata

pret 13 euro
comenzi pe mesagerie p.m.

#475 Useril este offline   177 

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Postat 20 December 2020 - 10:16 PM

Incendiu la Eduard; in acest moment, livrarile sunt sistate.

Eduard Model Accessories

#476 Useril este offline   Z-mare 

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Postat 21 December 2020 - 08:36 AM

Nasol!! Intram in teoria conspiratiei? :diablo:

#477 Useril este offline   dany 

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Postat 21 December 2020 - 03:01 PM


Nasol!! Intram in teoria conspiratiei?

:-D A facut AZ pipi in pat , noaptea ?
Sau ia facut cadou de sarbatori lui iepurila o cutie de petarde degizate in morcovi ... ( si saracul a crezut in oferta de pace ) ...

#478 Useril este offline   Mgc151184 

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Postat 07 January 2021 - 05:31 PM

Vine si AZ cu 109E, printre altele chiar si cu decaluri RO. Momentan doar poze pe la cutii, nu am vazut ce contine interiorul lor.

Imagine atasata: 297125EA-7B6B-49D6-9B28-5276EBFBFC23.jpeg

Imagine atasata: 42E031A8-57AB-4AC6-89AE-44249C990620.jpeg

#479 Useril este offline   1-0-9 

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Postat 07 January 2021 - 06:00 PM

Vezi postareaMgc151184, la 07 January 2021 - 05:31 PM, a spus:

Vine si AZ cu 109E, printre altele chiar si cu decaluri RO. Momentan doar poze pe la cutii, nu am vazut ce contine interiorul lor.

Atasament 297125EA-7B6B-49D6-9B28-5276EBFBFC23.jpeg

Atasament 42E031A8-57AB-4AC6-89AE-44249C990620.jpeg

Macar la artwork, ii bat la fund pe SH

#480 Useril este offline   1-0-9 

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Postat 07 January 2021 - 06:12 PM

Vezi postarea1-0-9, la 07 January 2021 - 06:00 PM, a spus:

Macar la artwork, ii bat la fund pe SH

Asta e AZ-ul, inspirat (putin spus) dupa tamyia ( unele piese sunt copiate asa de bine, ca au copiat si defectele lor, exemplu micul sinkmark care apare la toate prizele de aer de la Tam si ICM )

Pozele sunt de pe

Asa , la prima vedere, pare OK...ish. Cateva din piese au fost re-inginerite altfel, ca sa stearga evidentele, dar se vede ca e Tam.
Fuselajul scurt de tami, pare corectat (se vede cu ochiul liber inflexiunea plasticului de la reparatia de mantuiala), Multe din piesele fine de tam (elicea, tabloul de bord) sunt acolo, asta e bine.
Scaunul e cel incorect de la tam (prea ingust) la care a mai fost figurat orificiul prin care ies chingile; Bechia prea mica de la tam a fost inlocuita cu aia prea mare de la G-ul AZ :)))
Interesat e ca au pus doua seturi de roti (cele de la G2-ul AZ si cele un pic mai incorecte, de la E-ul Tam).

Una peste alta, daca pretul e corect si decalurile bune, nu vad de ce nu as lua cateva, n-o sa fiu ipocrit sa zic ca nu cumpar (boicotez) ca e furat dupa Tam...altfel nu as avea atatea ICM-uri in vitrina :))
Si T-ul de la Brengun, are, suspect, toate piesele, interschimbabilde cu Tam/Icm...

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: e01.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e02.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e03.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e04.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: a10.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e05.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e06.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e07.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e08.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e09.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e11.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e12.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e13.jpg
  • Imagine atasata: e14.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de 1-0-9: 07 January 2021 - 06:22 PM

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