Prima chestie de care miam adus aminte este ca in modelism in nr 80 ( 1/2003 ) apare la pag 15 in stanga sus urmatorul " text " : " Una din variantele romanesti a inclus tipurile F2 si 4G cu tunul de 75 mm, usor diferit de cel prezentat in acest plan "
Evident " 4G " insemna Panzer IV ( 4 ) Ausf. G. In " plan " este reprezentat un Panzer IV Ausf. E.
Take a look! Alex.
Si a doua ar fi de pe
On 9 October 1942, 1st Tank Regiment of 1st Romanian Armored Division received 11 T-3 (Pzkpfw III N) and 11 T-4 (Pzkpfw IV G) tanks, that formed two medium tank companies. 2nd Tank Regiment, stationed behind front for training and security, also received one T-3 and one T-4. During the battle of Don's Bend, 1st Tank Regiment lost 10 of the 11 T-4 tanks.
In early 1943, MIAPR (Romanian Ministry of Army Endowment and War Production) placed an order of 150 T-3 and T-4 tanks and 56 self-propelled guns, quantities that had to be delivered by Germany within two years. The delivery was slow and by August 1944 only a total of 110 T-4 tanks had been received. Delivery included PzKpfw IV F, G, H anf J models. Some of these tanks were already worn as they were conveyed from 23rd Panzer Division.
11 ar fi numai ca aici zice ca sunt G-uri
apoi spune ca ar fi fost in alea 110 F-uri, G-uri, H-uri, si surpriza J-uri ( nu imposibil avand in vedere ca productia J-ului a inceput in iunie ). Si ce F-uri nu zice!?
Si totusi FFFFFFFFFFF-uri!!!!!!!!!!!! :hammer:
Aceasta postare a fost editata de osmulikevicialexandru: 13 September 2007 - 01:58 AM