Forum Machete,Modelism,Hobby: 1/72 PEGASUS HOBBIES German IG18 Crew - Forum Machete,Modelism,Hobby

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1/72 PEGASUS HOBBIES German IG18 Crew (Imagini + Preview in engleza)

#1 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 19 June 2007 - 02:02 PM

Dupa cum am anuntat in celalalt topic care priveste o parte din figurinele de mai jos, respectiv cel legat de concurs, am reusit sa termin si recenzia.
Pe cei in camuflaj ii cunoasteti deja, insa cei in tunici M34 sunt noi aici. Desi au fost lucrati in acelasi timp nu i-am introdus si pe acestia in concurs. Sper sa va placa atat imaginile cat si recenzia, pentru cei care vor avea rabdarea sa o citeasca.
pentru cei care doresc sa vada ce modele de camuflaj am incercat sa reproduc, pot sa o faca in celalalt topic.
De asemenea, as dori sa ii multumesc domnului Larry Thompson, patronul de la Pegasus Hobbies pentru ca mi-a trimis aceste test-shoturi.
Pentrur cei interesati, nu stiu cand va aparea setul pe piata, sper pana la sfarsitul acestui an. O alta informatie este aceea ca noile test-shoturi sunt chiar mai bune decat cele de aici, iar setul va costa in jur de 10 $ in SUA. (nu va faceti griji, in Europa cred ca va fi ceva mai mult, in State toate sunt extrem de ieftine, deh sunt saraci rau americanii astia). :lol: :-)

Comentariile si observatiile legate de imagini si preview sunt mai mult decat binevenite.

Cristian Florescu


German IG18 Crews

(not official title)

Manufacturer: Pegasus Hobbies

Scale: 1/72

Set Code: -

Year: -

No. of Figures: 16

No. of Poses: 8

Aspect: Tall

Material: Soft Plastic

Optimal Period: 1939 -1942 / 1943 -1945

Other items: One IG18 Gun


The traditional and continuous search of Pegasus Hobbies in portraying interesting and rare topics in the field of 1/72 Germans during WWII has materialized this time not only in gun crews, but also in one of the most attractive German infantry artillery gun, namely IG18. The company, except figures, is also famous for its vehicles and buildings in the scale, but the IG 18 is the first artillery gun produced by them. Nevertheless, taking into consideration on the one hand the excellent German Mortar Teams, another outstanding set of the same manufacturer related to artillery pieces, and on the other hand, the high quality of their figures, great expectations are put in the present previewed set. The experience gained with prior soldiers is proven here in large amount and it should be stressed out that the preview is referred only to the figures and it is based on test shots, not on final products. Even it is little probable that modifications or changes to appear, it still may happen.

Due to the company's really good custom of surprising the target groups, it should not amaze anybody to find inside the same box practically two distinct sets of figures, respectively one crew dressed in camouflage smocks and another one dressed in M34 tunics. Through choosing the cloths in this way, it is intended to depict both early and late war German troops. Moreover, another perception could be that there are included Wehrmacht and Waffen SS troops in the same kit, but anyway, both units worn in different stages of war M34 tunics or smocks.

For each kind of crew, the set offers four figures, exactly the number of troopers necessary for handling an IG18.

At the beginning, the project was supposed to be in hard plastic, but the sculptor did not make the pieces to be hard plastic, so we are in the presence of a soft plastic set. The matter is not so important, bearing in mind that the material exploited by this manufacturer, a very soft plastic, it has unusual characteristics and super glue, especially the gel one, is of great success, making an extraordinary strong bond which is fully compared with that made by various adhesives used at hard plastic kits.

Each sprue with figures includes the bodies, the sharp number of arms necessary for completing the eight soldiers from it, several weapons (Kar98K), various models of ammo boxes designated for IG18 (opened and closed) and the steel wheels of the gun.

Great decision is that all the figures come with separate arm or arms, so conversions are extremely easy to be realized, considerably increasing the number of poses. In fact, from the total number of sixteen soldiers included in the set, with little effort, all can be different, fulfilling in this way the dream of any collector or war gamer to enlarge his collection. The conversions may be achieved simply using the arms of figures from the same sprue. Even it is a small difference at the end of the sleeves, through a fast operation, the arms designated for soldiers dressed in M34 tunics will properly fit those in camouflage smocks and vice-versa.

Furthermore, more fascinating conversions may be attained through employing arms from other soft plastic Pegasus Hobbies sets related to Germans, where body parts are also given separately. First option for conversions is "Germans in Berlin 1945", but also Waffen SS set 2 must be taken into consideration, due to the fact that plenty of optional arms are included. However, it is a small size difference at arms between the last mentioned set and the present previewed one, but absolutely sure, the discrepancy is hardly noticeable, nearly impossible. Nevertheless, and other arms form various producers can be utilized, but it is recommended the usage of arms from Pegasus Hobbies soft plastic sets because the material it is the same and the glue will attain best effects.

The members of both teams are crouching, thing that is all right given their designation, as servants of a small gun, in general handled from crouching in fire position, as plenty of images of the period indicate.

The figures dressed in camouflage smocks are definitely intended to be late war soldiers and in order to emphasize the idea, they wear short ankle boots and gaiters. Helmets covered by camouflage canvas and regular trousers complete their uniforms. As it was stressed above, they can depict not only Waffen SS but also Wehrmacht troops, according to the specific camouflage patterns that each owner chooses to paint and even a major option is represented by the white side. The thickness of the uniforms allows the figures to be used in warm and cold periods, such smocks being universal for any season.

The endowment contains for all the "Y" straps, Kar 98K ammo pouches, bread bag, gas mask container, mess-tin, canteen and shovel.

Regarding the shovel, is almost obvious that Pegasus Hobbies apply the same style used in previous sets, giving it separately for all figures. For fixing it, each body has a hole and the shovel a pin and for better fixing is recommended to be glued. Providing it individually is great from two points of view: the shovel looks more realistic than to be carved in figures and also facilitates conversions, being suitable for displacement in various angles.

An interesting issue is that except the classical approach of shovel with bayonet attached, the set brings and another option, with a tool box for the gun worn by some crew members which covers the entrenching tool, unique detail in mass production Germans in WWII. Nevertheless, due to its similarity with a map case, the tool box can be interpreted as such an item.

Referring to the standard poses wearing smocks, these are terrific and incredibly realistic, a large contribution being ensured by the separate arms topic. The poses are as well different than the rest encountered in sets concerning German artillery from other manufacturers.

The crew is formed by four members from which three are definetely servants and one is the commander. The gun commander pose, which is a regular trooper and not an officer, according to the fact that he does not have pistol holster and wears Kar98 ammo pouches is very interesting. He points the direction of the target while in the other hand holds the binoculars as if he has just taken from the eyes. A nice touch, enhancing that he could be an NCO, is adding to this figure the shovel covered by the tool box/map case.

Two members of the crew, holding nothing in their hands are surprised managing the gun, one aiming and the other one counterbalancing the recoil of the gun, pressing with his full weight on the gun carriage while the last one has an IG18 projectile, preparing to bring the next round.

With reference to the uniforms, the accuracy is faultless and it should be emphasized that almost all smocks are worn lose, as it can be seen in most of the period photos. From the tightness point of view, the smocks presented in the preview are different than those encountered in the Pegasus Hobbies' series of sets addressed to Waffen SS troops in Kursk, where the same type of smocks were depicted tight, the explanation resting in the fact that most of reference pictures from that battle feature Waffen SS soldiers wearing the tunics buttoned up high and the smocks were tighter than usual.

As well, other details are nicely sculptured like creases, gas mask container straps, cuffs and more than visible collars where it can be painted the Wehrmacht or SS insignia and ranks. In addition, genuine realized are the gaiters, having their two straps put in evidence. Another characteristic feature of Pegasus Hobbies troopers, namely the studs of boots, is revealed very obvious here.

Concerning the gun crew dressed in M34 tunics, it should be underlined from the beginning that is clearly inspired from the other Pegasus Hobbies set related to artillery pieces, "German Mortar Teams".

Still, there are plenty of distinctions between them, starting from several different arms and ending with Kar98K ammo pockets, item that was missing at the poses from the just mentioned set. It should be much appreciated the fact that the company paid attention to critics and corrected the detent here.

Their uniform is characterising the first part of the war, namely M34 tunic, regular trousers, marching boots and steel helmets without camouflage canvas.

Again, the thickness of the uniform facilitates the use of these soldiers both in warm and colder seasons and even if they are more suitable for the first part of the war, it is possible to employ them and in the second half, their type of uniform continuing to be sent to units till the end of the war. Evidently, painting the Wafen SS insignia on collars, they also may represent Waffen SS troops, not only Wehrmacht.

The uniforms are very well reproduced, with small details like buttons, creases and gas mask straps easely detactable. Additionaly, under the tunics, nicely seen are the buttoned up shirts.

Their gear is identical with the one found on the crew in camouflage smocks, including "Y" straps, Kar 98K ammo pouches, bread bag, gas mask container, mess-tin, canteen and shovel. Of course, and at these figures must be glued the shovels that come independently.

Related to poses, as it was previously highlighted, all are encountered in another Pegasus Hobbies set, but great distinction between them is supplied by the dissimilar arms and ammo pouches. In fact, just only one pose is identical with the inspiration source, it is about the one of the soldier preparing to open the ammo box. Nevertheless, for those who own both sets and want to have a small difference between them, this can be achieved through gluing one arm in another position, a little further from the ammo box and not exactly on it.

Even the poses are totally unlike than those of their colleagues dressed in camouflage smocks, they fulfill exactly the same roles. There is provided a regular trooper as gun commander, pointing the target and he also may receive the same type of shovel, the one covered by the tool box/map case. The other crew members have various roles, namely to counterbalance the recoil of the gun, aim the target and open an IG18 projectile box.

The thickness of the uniform allow to use these figures in all seasons and details like buttons, creases, gas mask container straps and studs are easily detectible, at the same time as the anatomy is wonderful with vividly faces.

Likewise, it does not exist any disproportion between the size of the weapons or gear at different poses and even if they are test shots, the amount of flash is low and easy to remove. Meanwhile, excess of plastic is not present at any incorporated figure.

As it was mentioned above, on the same sprue, along different ammo boxes, there are given five Kar 98K from which four have the straps attached, detail that has become a mark of the company. Through offering the weapons separately it is facilitated plenty of options for converting these figures while the attached straps give the great chance of realistic disposing the 98K not only in hands, but also on the shoulders or across the body.

The weapons are simple to be glued taking into account that the Pegasus Hobbies soft plastic accepts super glue exactly as hard plastic accepts the glue used at kits.

Furthermore, the advantage of separate arms proves very important in the moment of placing the soldiers at the guns because they may be adjusted in relation with various components of a gun and should be fixed immediately after the desired position is attained and super glue does not become hard.

Of course, the featured figures are not exclusively servants for IG18, they can be used at different types of artillery or Pak guns. In this case, the IG 18 projectiles from the hands of a couple of crew members should be substituted with one fitting the caliber of the gun.

Due to the fact that the set includes two types of crews, dressed in different uniforms, the compatibility with other sets should be distinctly established, but also mentioning again that especially on large diorama, figures dressed in early and late German uniforms may be mixed.

The crew dressed in M34 tunics, from the size of bodies, weapons and gear point of view, obviously perfectely matchs the figures of the same company enclosed in "German Mortar Teams", the set that is the inspiration source for the crew in early war tunics. A very good relation can be achieved and with soldiers from Imex "German Troops", Hasegawa "German Infantry Attack Group", Esci "German Soldiers"/Italeri "German Infantry", Atlantic "German Infantry" and even Caesar "German Infantry Late War". For sure, even a little bit smaller, as well figures from Revell "German Armoured Infantry", Airfix "German Infantry" and most of Preiser sets with reference to the German army in WWII are compatible with the previewed set.

On the other hand, the members of the crew dressed in camouflage smocks may be nicely joined by Pegasus Hobbies "Waffen SS - set 1", Preiser "German Pak 40 Crew", Caesar "German Infantry with Winter Gear", Italeri "German Elite Troops", Revell "German Infantry", Esci "Nebelwerfer 41", as well some from Pegasus Hobbies "Germans in Berlin 1945" and Revell "German Engineers".

Nevertheless, there are more sets or kits related to artillery crews such as Esci "German Anti-tank Gun", Airfix "Opel Blitz and Pak40", Preiser "German Pak 40 Crew", Revell "German Artillery" as well various Hasegawa kits, but this does not diminish the importance and high necessity of the present set, bering in mind the real impressive mass of guns without crews issued by a large number of manufacturers.

The IG18 crews set from Pegasus Hobbies is an significant set, both for completing the area of German artillerists and for the opportunities of conversions for which they are extremely suitable, improving the collections with nice and unique poses of gun servants or even first line infantry troopers. Furthermore, another aspect that must not be neglicted is that the set will include one IG18 gun, a weapon not so often encountered in the scale.

Dynimic figures, astonishing accomplishing their role, exceedingly accurate from the historical point of view are going to be launched soon by a company that continuously search the perfection, which from many points of veiw is reached here.

Historical Accuracy: 10

Anatomy: 10

Poses Quality: 10

Details Quality: -

Mould Quality: -

Sculpture: -

Recommendation/Utility: 10



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#2 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 19 June 2007 - 02:04 PM


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#3 Useril este offline   dani 

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Postat 19 June 2007 - 02:30 PM

Beton ,fratioare,i like'it...Apropo,spune-i patronului ca daca-mi trimite si mie un set din astia ii si platesc si le vopsesc si narile... :-)

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