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Modellism.....make you HAPPY!!!

#21 Useril este offline   OlafTheViking 

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Postat 01 June 2007 - 10:46 AM

Rawhide, la May 30 2007, 01:43 PM, a spus:

I and other friends of mine (included our ‘’ president’’....the man depicted in the photo among the two girls)
during a pause.... saw the two pretty girl... and being unusual to see young (and this case ...pretty....) women
we asked them to make a memory photo . :-)

Rawhide I still don't understand: were they modelers, were they models or were they just there? ;-) :angry: :lol: ;-)

You may not know, in Romanian "modeler" means "modelist" and "model" (a person whose' profession is modeling) means "model". One day ZMare said he is a modelist and the persons to whom was talking to obviously understood "model" and told him he didn't look like one.

No need to apologize. I like pictures with women anywhere, anytime, anyhow. I also loved some pictures with women on the airplane wing (there were posted by Horia and Calin Ungureanu) but they were deleted. :cry: You are very lucky because yours are still there.

As for the rest who thought they must act offended:


P.S. No jokes involved persons. I am a person and I found it offensive and outrageous. And no jokes about the dolphins either. My friend Flipper is offended. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now the translation for my country fakes, I mean folks :lol: :

Rawhide tot nu inteleg: erau modeliste, erau modele sau erau acolo? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Nu stiu daca esti familiarizat cu vocabularul nostru: in romaneste "modeler" inseamana "modelist" iar "model" (persoana a carei profesie este modelingu' - e asta este, nu stiu cum sa-l traduc ca nu e in nomenclatorul meseriilor) inseamna "model". Intr-o zi Zmare spunea ca este modelist iar persoana cu care vorbea evident ca a inteles ca este model si i-a spus ca nu arata deloc a asa ceva.

Nu este nevoie sa-ti ceri scuze. Mie imi plac pozele cu fete (femei suna depravat) oriunde, oricand, oricum. Imi placeau si cele cu fetele de pe aripa avionului puse de Horia si Calin dar cineva le-a sters. :cry: Tu esti norocos ca ale tale au ramas.

Iar pentru cei care au simtit ca trebuie sa para ofruscati:


P.S. De acum inainte fara bancuri legate de oameni. Eu sunt om si ma simt ofensat si ultragiat de ele. Si fara bancuri cu delfini. Prietenul meu Flipper nu le gusta. :lol: :lol: :lol:

#22 Useril este offline   Blue-Max 

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  Postat 01 June 2007 - 11:18 AM

OlafTheViking, la Jun 1 2007, 11:46 AM, a spus:

Rawhide I still don't understand: were they modelers, were they models or were they just there? ;-) :angry: :lol: ;-)

Hey Olaf, just get a closer look to this zoomed detail of one photo and you will have the answer :lol:

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: Detaliu_slip.jpg

#23 Useril este offline   OlafTheViking 

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Postat 01 June 2007 - 12:10 PM

Blue-Max, la Jun 1 2007, 11:18 AM, a spus:

Hey Olaf, just get a closer look to this zoomed detail of one photo and you will have the answer  :lol:

No, I don't. I cannot see the fingers. Is there paint under their nails? ;-) :angry: :lol: That is the way you recognise a scale modeler.

Chiar daca ma uit de aproape la poza nu-mi dau seama ca nu le vad unghiile. Au vopsea sub ele? Asa recunosti un modelist. ;-) :lol: :lol: :lol:

Aceasta postare a fost editata de OlafTheViking: 01 June 2007 - 12:12 PM

#24 Useril este offline   Mario Bentivoglio 

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Postat 01 June 2007 - 12:11 PM

and other friends of mine (included our ‘’ president’’....the man depicted in the photo among the two girls)during a pause.... saw the two pretty girl... and being unusual to see young (and this case ...pretty....) womenwe asked them to make a memory photo .

Rawhide I still don't understand: were they modelers, were they models or were they just there?

You may not know, in Romanian "modeler" means "modelist" and "model" (a person whose' profession is modeling) means "model". One day ZMare said he is a modelist and the persons to whom was talking to obviously understood "model" and told him he didn't look like one.

No need to apologize. I like pictures with women anywhere, anytime, anyhow. I also loved some pictures with women on the airplane wing (there were posted by Horia and Calin Ungureanu) but they were deleted. You are very lucky because yours are still there.

As for the rest who thought they must act offended:


P.S. No jokes involved persons. I am a person and I found it offensive and outrageous. And no jokes about the dolphins either. My friend Flipper is offended.

HI Olaf.... ;-) I know the cause of misunderstanding depends by me.... by my english mistaken when I used the words ‘models’ and modelers’ or ‘modelist’.... (it’s the same in italian.... ‘modello’ or ‘modella’ means a man or a woman whom practise the profession in the fashion world 8-) .... but at the same means...... a 1:35 tank mode or plane model...... :-? )

hem... I intended... Modelers or modelist a person whom has our passion.... (to construct planes, tanks or other...)
while ‘model’ a person whose profession like that made by Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer and so on...)

the two girls in photo... weren’t models or modellist :angry: .... they worked in a military stand which sold military uniforms...
but they were interested about our 8-)

This the reason... we photographed them !!! ;-)

That’s all! I published photo on Cartula... to joke about it.....and t appreciate italian ‘beauty’...... it wasn’t my intention to crate problems among you....
in this case ... please pardon me!!! :lol:

I hope you understand my apologies...

Mario :lol:

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Rawhide: 01 June 2007 - 12:12 PM

#25 Useril este offline   Ahmed 

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Postat 01 June 2007 - 12:30 PM

I accept your appologies in the form of adress/email/phone numbers from those 2 girls. If not, seven generations of my clan will take terrible vengence upon you!

#26 Useril este offline   Mario Bentivoglio 

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Postat 01 June 2007 - 12:42 PM

.... :angry: !!!!!!!!!!!

....ok..... I'll try to reach them again.....I'll make my best!!! :-?

Hi ;-)

#27 Useril este offline   OlafTheViking 

  • Olaf cel degraba de sange varsatoriu
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Postat 01 June 2007 - 12:52 PM

In this spirit I must be uncontent because there are only 2 pictures with the models. I would also like to see their tails and upper surfaces camouflage.

Ziceam ca sunt nemultuimit ca sunt doar 2 poze si as fi vrut sa vad si cozile si camuflajul de pe extrados.

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