Well, my personal thought is that a person's actions are the reflection of that one's experiences. Same goes for everybody. We only tend to react the way that life has taught us to.
So, as for excuses, Rawhide you are being more than polite but there is absolutely nothing to ask appology for.
Like Max said, smile-o-therapy goes for everybody well
Modeller girls are indeed hard to find, but I think in Romania we have two of them...guys may wanna check out an issue of Modelism magazine with details about one of them, the other one I think is already a member of this forum...Sabina????
In terms of feeling welcome, local forum policies may dictate the usage of a certain language especially if the Forum is internationally known. I wouldn't presume to write in Romanian on Finescalemodeller's or Armorscale. Generally English would be the language of choice.
In our case ... is a very rare thing. Nevertheless I think that everyone is welcome to share their work, thoughts and knowlegde here as long as they abide to our local policies and conduct.
Or so, only the owner can establish.
So, I hope that I haven't disturbed anyone's thinking flow, my main question would be :
CARTULA.NET, when do you plan to go international ?
Romanian only (Sorry Rawhide, I hope you will accept this
Credeti ca e chiar necesar sa dam peste bot la toti care intra pe aici? Nu suntem cumva prea ariciosi? Cred ca Romi are dreptate, cred ca Viper are dreptate, cred ca si crios are dreptate si in general fiecare le stie pe ale lui dar am putea sa fim gazde mai bune...sper!!!!
Oricum sa stiti ca pana la urma cel mai la obiect a fost Z-mare:
... Daca intreba omul De roata unui tanc, nu cred ca erau atitea raspunsuri! ...
Aceasta postare a fost editata de Flyboy: 30 May 2007 - 12:30 PM