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ITALERI 1/72 - German Elite Troops Imagini si recenzie in engleza

#1 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 22 March 2007 - 08:17 PM

In acest set am incercat, nu stiu daca am si reusit, :roll: sa reproduc diferite modele de camuflaj Waffen SS. Figurinele sunt adresate perioadei de inceput de toamna 1944, tocmai pentru a putea folosi atat camuflajele de primavara/vara cat si cele de toamna/iarna.

La figurina nr 3 din poza 3 se vad in mod bizar niste bavuri care cu ochiul liber nu prea se vad, insa pozitionarea ei nefericita precum si lumina si mai nefericita care a cazut pe ea probabil le-a accentuat. :whistle: :hammer: :-D

Setul acesta mi-a mancat zilele cu pozitionarea ptr. poze si in ciuda faptului ca l-am terminat de pictat prin octombrie, tocmai din acest motiv l-am postat de-abia acum.... :hammer:

Am urmat sfatul lui Dragos si am postat atat o culee completa cat si art box-urile celor doi producatori care au scos acest set pe piata. Din fericire mai aveam o culee completa din set.... :-)

Scuze ptr. faptul ca recenzia este in engleza, dar din lipsa de timp, prefer sa le scriu direct in engleza. Am postat totusi si recenzia avand in vedere faptul ca acest set se gaseste si prin mult prea saracele noastre magazine in domeniul figurinelor. Recunosc ca e cam lunga recenzia..... :-D, dar poate cine stie, vor fi unii care vor avea rabdare sa citeasca macar jumatate... :-( :-D

Oricum, sper sa va placa si orice comentariu sau critica atat la adresa imaginilor cat si a recenziei sunt mai mult decat binevenite. :roll:

Cristian Florescu


"German Elite Troops"



"German Mechanized Infantrymen 1944"


Manufacturer: Italeri

Scale: 1/72

Set Code:6068

Year: 2006

No. of Figures: 48

No. of Poses: 16

Aspect: Tall

Material: Soft Plastic

Optimal Period: 1943 -1945


From the partnership between two of the most well-known producers of figures has resulted at least a very interesting set, combining both the old and new style in the filed of small scale soldiers, even if it is confronting with several critics. In fact, it can be said that the present collection of figures did not result just from the partnership Italeri-Revell, but also an important contribution has been brought by the old Esci sets, from where most of the featured poses were inspired. Indeed, this is one of the main reasons that "German Elite Troops" received many critics, in spite of having important strong points comparing with similar sets.

One of such points may be represented by the plastic used to manufacture it, looking like a combination among soft and hard plastic. Actually, it can be assumed that it is the hardest soft plastic used to manufacture figures in the Braille scale and furthermore, Italeri called it "Superspecial material - Let's Glue It". On the company site it is emphasised the fact that the new material will revolutionize the world of scale soldiers as well the fact that while retaining the mechanical properties of Polyethylene, can be glued using any standard modelling glue, facilitating in this way the extremely difficult conversion of soft plastic figures.

The material has as a minimum, two first visible advantages, namely it accepts extremely well not only paint but also standard modelling glue and especially super glue, making a really strong bond. The last characteristic is of major importance, taking into account there are few parts requiring assembly as well as for another reason that will be lately described.

Encompassed inside its strong points may be assessed the large variation of weapons and cloths, in this regard the set being one of the richest ever produced. Also impressive is the high quality of sculpture details, like facial expressions, weapons and other miscellaneous small details.

Nevertheless, it has its mistakes and it is regretful that such a highly manufactured set includes faults which could easily be avoided. One of the most obvious and criticized is represented by the reverse positioning of canteen with shovel. By regulation, the German soldiers wore the canteen on the right hip and the shovel on the left one. Here the sculptor has overturned their positions at all the figures that wear these items, which is generally and correctly viewed as a mistake. In order to give some credit to the sculptor and not to vehemently accuse him, it should be underlined that exist photos showing German soldiers wearing these objects like there are presented here. In addition, for those who can not accept that it was more than possible to exist and some exceptions, even in a so disciplined army, and want to see these items worn exactly in the same way like in the manual, the soft-hard plastic "Let's Glue It" used to produce the figures provides the opportunity to switch their position without great efforts. But to this issue I shall return few lines below.

Another criticized aspect of "German Elite Troops" is the large number of poses that are quite similar, a well founded remark considering that six figures (grouped on pairs) have an almost similar appearance. Still, there are major differences between them such as weapons and gear. The similitude must not shock at all, bearing in mind that especially in the last period, Revell used this simple applicable method for increasing the number of poses inside a set. In this regard, it definitely distinguishes "German Navy", where again, four poses look approximately the same.

Nevertheless, I rather see this method put in practice than to have in the same set, instead of three identical figures, four such soldiers. On the other hand, in this way there are raised the number of poses, fact which really counts both for collectors and wargamers.

As it was normal, Italeri and Revell art boxes are different, featuring some of the poses in action, but the content of the two sets are identical and furthermore, also the plastic used to create the soldiers and its color is one and the same. The figures come on three identical sprues including 16 poses. Besides dissimilar boxes, the names are also distinct for each producer, Italeri named it "German Elite Troops" (in fact, Waffen SS, but this name is forbidden by law in some countries, so the company adopted the accepted name for this unit) while Revell called it "German Mechanized Infantrymen 1944" (maybe for avoiding confusions considering that they have already a set including Panzer Greandier term).

Regarding the uniforms, it is presented here one of the largest variety met in plastic figures sets. There are reproduced great coats, parkas, smocks, M43 tunics, a mixture of models of trousers as well other attractive garment items like gloves and toques.

In this respect, four soldiers wear M42 great coats, four have parkas, two have camouflage smocks M38 and six are dressed in M43 tunics.

As it was normal for the reference period, with three exceptions that have the famous long boots, the rest shoe ankle boots with gaiters.

Seven figures have their helmets covered by camouflage canvas, while eight wear just the steel helmets. The officer is the only figure without helmet and wears the officer cap.

Moreover, at least three soldiers have camouflage gloves and seven wear toques, item that wrap the neck and almost all the head, living uncovered just the face. Both these pieces of clothing are extremely rare encountered at 1/72 and represent a really strongpoint of the set. Likewise, for bringing more diversity to the figures, these items can be painted in different camouflage patterns.

Even if the Revell's title of the set includes the year 1944, almost all of these figures may be used between 1943 and 1945, while some of them could be employed even in earlier periods. Of course, attention must be paid not only at the type of uniform and boots, but also at the weapons, taking into account that some of them like Gewehr43, StG44 and Panzerfaust appeared in 1943 or 1944.

From the first view, the type and thickness of the uniform, as well other garment items like gloves and toques lead to the conclusion that these figures are addressed for cold seasons. Even so, they can take part and in campaigns carried out in warmer periods, like early autumn, late spring or even cold summer dawns.

Another advantage provided by the camouflage uniforms is that soldiers dressed in them can exemplify more obvious both Waffen SS and Wehrmacht troops, the specific camouflage patterns making the difference. Furthermore, parkas, over trousers and even smocks transplant to be painted in white, since these articles were reversible and in general one face was white.

With reference to their gear, most of them have "Y" straps and are pretty light equipped. Frequently are seen gas masks containers, canteens and shovels. Important and very used gear elements non-existing here are bread bags, mess-tins, bayonets attached to the entrenching tools and Zeltbahns. Like it was mentioned, at each figure who has both shovel and canteen, their positioning is otherwise than according to regulations, but for those who really want to fix the fault, "Let's Glue It" offers an important helpful hand in this regard. Hard to repair this mistake is at three figures dressed in great coats because the shovel and its shank are engraved in their great coats, but for the rest of soldiers is quite facile due to the fact that their shovels shanks are not connected to the bodies. Of course, it was much better the sculptor to exempt us from this effort and the present discussion not to take place. In addition, easy to fix the shovel-canteen issue is at the soldier dressed in great coat which fires an MP40. Moreover, its shank is shorter than normal, perhaps a moulding mistake.

What is more to say, it is about the ammo pouches, which in general fit the designated weapon used by each soldier. Problems appear only at all those which are armed with StG44 and have ammo pouches for Gewehr43. I looked over hundreds of pictures from the period and I have never seen a German soldier using StG44 to wear ammo pockets designated for Gewehr43, so I presume this fact as another small and not so important fault of the sculptor.

The weaponry is extremely diverse, the present set distinguishing not only through the wide range of arms, but also through their sculpture quality and accurateness, some of the best encountered in Braille Scale soft and hard plastic sets related to the German Army.

The soldiers' firepower consists in two Kar 98K (one with bayonet attached), four MP40, two Gewehr43 (one with scope), three StG44, one MG34, one MG42, one RPzB 54, one Panzerfaust and one Granatwerfer 34 (medium mortar, 81mm). Stranger enough is that none of these figures have pistols or their holsters, neither the officer nor the specialized troopers possess it, while this weapon was in their standard endowment.

Concerning the poses, as it was pointed out several times along the present review, these are criticized a lot due to their similitude with those encountered in old Esci sets. Certainly, most of them originate in such sets, but also few are inspired from older Revell sets and more important, there are as well several original ones, never encountered in Braille soft plastic sets.

All the poses depict soldiers in combat which are pretty realistic and well done with twelve figures standing and four crouching. Another prepared surprise by the manufacturer is that none prone pose is provided.

In the list including figures not often seen in the scale makes distinction the soldier with bayonet attached to Kar 98K. Though there are commentaries stressing that this weapon was not often used during WWII, thousands of reference pictures feature German soldiers with bayonet fixed to their arms. It must not be taken into account not only the classical "attack at bayonet", but also this item was extremely used and useful in town and village combats. Other attractive poses are represented by those who have Gewehr43 due to its rare representation at 1/72, as well the soldier dressed in great coat who fires the MP40.

The officer stance is eye-catching and new for the scale. He is dressed in MP43 tunic, officer trousers and cap, long boots and has an MP40, ammo pouches for the weapon, map case and binoculars on his chest. Nothing to comment about these, but odd is that he has not pistol holster, a traditional and according to regulation weapon for officers.

The present set includes another interesting detail, namely a clearly identified NCO. He wears M38 camouflage smock, regular trousers, marching boots, helmet and has MP40, ammo pouches and gas mask container. What makes easy to recognize his rank is his map case and binoculars.

As it was stressed, the set includes figures handling specialized arms like RPzB 54, Panzerfaust, Granatwerfer 34 or MG34 and MG42.

With reference to the soldiers with anti-tank weapons, both of them are crouched and wear a not common element for their weapons, respectively the MG case. Unfortunately, as it is quite often encountered in 1/72 sets from other manufacturers, the figure with Panzerfaust fires his weapon in the wrong way, aiming with it exactly like with a rifle while he has to shoot from his armpit.

Even carved in a classical pose, the soldier with RPzB 54 is outstanding and his weapon is one of the nicest in the scale, very detailed and accurate.

Regarding the machine gunners, it is pleasant to find in the same set both of the most extensively used MGs by Germans. Like in old Esci's "German Soldiers" set, both MGs bipods are propped on different things. In this regard, here the MG34 bipod is fixed on a brick wall while the MG42 bipod is sustained by an ammo box from which one side is missing, probably because of moulding reasons. In addition, it is nice to notice that both MGs are fed by 50 rounds chargers.

As it was mentioned before, the MG servants miss their pistol holsters, but have their MG cases, gas mask containers, canteens and shovels. While one is crouched, the other one stands in a classical Esci position and both the ammo box and the brick wall may be cut off if these objects have no place on a diorama. The operation is required especially in dioramas depicting a scene taking place in a forest or field, where a brick wall has no reasons to appear. Furthermore, the argument of cutting off is sustained and by the fact that both MG bipods are in an out of the ordinary position comparing with the MG barrels. Though the brick wall or the ammo box is kept, it is advisable to be switched in the right shape, which is not hard at all.

Finally, in relation to the incorporated Granatwerfer 34, it should be mentioned that on the one hand, it is obviously based on Esci mortars ensembles formed by only one servant connected to the base plate of the mortar, but on the other hand, this one is a lot upgraded. The old Esci mortars were bizarre conceived, without bipod, the barrel being sustained just by the air, in a balance known only by the sculptor. Here exactly this huge mistake was corrected, the manufacturer adding a bipod that must be glued to the barrel. In fact, this is this is the single piece that must be bonded and superglue provides great results in this respect. The soldier's pose is again similar with the Esci ones, preparing to launch an accurate reproduced mortar projectile.

Another weird feature of the present set is that in spite of including several figures, more precisely four, which have a StiHg-r 24 under the belt, none of the poses reveal a soldier throwing a grenade. Such a stance is one of the most common used by all makers inside a set related to the German army infantry in WWII, so it is quite surprisingly not to find any here.

As to the uniforms, all the types are perfect from the point of view of accuracy, including plenty of small nicely done details like insignias, buttons and the list may continue. Likewise, on the collars it can be easily painted Wehrmacht or SS ranks and insignia.

The anatomy of the figures is fabulous as well the facial details, some of the best in scale, even eyeballs being more than visible! There are no disproportions between the size of figures, weapons or gear at different poses and flash is in low amounts, uncomplicated to remove while excess of plastic does not exist.

Besides these, the weapons represent one of the strengths of the set, not only because the wide offered gamma, covering almost all the most intensive arms used by Germans, but also thanks to the astonishing quality of the engraved details.

Like it was specified many times along the review, the "Superspecial material" used for producing the figures receive very well the paint, giving to it a nice matt appearance, accepting as well superglue and even glue used in general at kits.

The supporters of figures with bases may be satisfied taking into consideration the fact that all figures have bases while those who want to remove them should know that they will have to put some effort at several crouched poses as a consequence of the hardness of material.

The present soldiers are perfectly matched, by any point of view such as type and thickness of uniform, size of heads, bodies and gear with those included in sets like Caesar "German Infantry with Winter Gear", Revell "German Infantry", Pegasus Hobbies "Waffen SS - Set 1", Esci "Nebelwerfer 41", Preiser "WW2 German Pak40 Crew" as well with some from Pegasus Hobby "Germans in Berlin 1945".

Although compatible according to the type of uniform criterion with Armourfast's "German Mortar Team" and "German Machine Gun Team sets, as well with Pegasus Hobies's "Waffen SS Set 2" , it is quite difficult to add them up on a small diorama because the size differences of bodies and heads between the just mentioned sets and the present reviewed set will be evident. Only large dioramas, incorporating figures from various manufacturers are recommended for joining them. Nevertheless, due to the fact that it is about an extremely insignificant difference, for sure the size issue will not disturb at all the wargamers.

In spite of the several negative comments "German Elite Troops" represent a really first-class set bearing in mind its wide range of uniforms and weapons, great anatomy of figures as well its small details like facial expressions, uniform elements and the list may continue.

Furthermore, through the present set, Tigers, JagdPanthers, Pumas and other late WWII German vehicles have great companions and guardians to escort them into combat, being suitable for such missions in almost all seasons.

It also have not to be forgotten the substance used to produce these soldiers, the "Superspecial material - Let's Glue It", which provides the truly great opportunity to convert or to correct mistakes at soft plastic figures.

Historical Accuarcy: 9

Anatomy: 10

Poses Quality: 9

Details Quality: 9

Mould Quality: 10

Sculpture: 9

Recommendation/Utility: 10


Imagine postata

Imagine postata

Imagine postata

Imagine postata

Imagine postata

Imagine postata

Imagine postata

Imagine postata

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Panzer_Grenadire: 22 March 2007 - 08:21 PM

#2 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 22 March 2007 - 08:19 PM

Continuarea ....

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Imagine postata

Imagine postata

#3 Useril este offline   AlexGiuglea 

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  Postat 23 March 2007 - 08:34 AM

Deci cele 2 seturi sunt identice?

#4 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 23 March 2007 - 09:02 AM

Cu certitudine si din nefericire, da... :-D
Dupa cum am scris si in recenzie, chiar si materialul din care sunt confectionati este identic...

#5 Useril este offline   dani 

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Postat 23 March 2007 - 07:51 PM

Frumos fratioare,multa munca...totusi eu zic ca nu merita atat efort-ma refer strict la fete.Dar daca tie iti plac fetele lor asa,atunci asa sa fie,conteaza sa-ti placa tie in primul rand.E un set de fig. superb,dar rusii in uniforme de iarna sunt si mai si...banuiesc ca-i ai si pe aia.I-am "zugravit" si eu pe ai mei[ai tai au iesit mai "bengosi"-recunosc],dar la fete m-am limitat la 2 "spalaturi"-un negru si un maroniu deschis[mersi Wurger] si mi s-a parut ok...

Imagine postata

#6 Useril este offline   Blue-Max 

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Postat 23 March 2007 - 08:30 PM

dani, la Mar 23 2007, 07:51 PM, a spus:

,dar la fete m-am limitat la 2 "spalaturi"-un negru si un maroniu deschis[mersi Wurger] si mi s-a parut ok...

Imagine postata

E perfect asa Dani.
Punctele alea negre pe post de pupila/ochi strica tot restul de munca. Pacat. :-D
Parerea mea ....

#7 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 24 March 2007 - 08:49 AM

Mutumesc mult, ma bucur daca v-au placut.
La ochi nu voi renunta niciodata, mie imi plac, iar daca pozele ar fi fost facute de la ceeasi distanta cu cea facuta de Dani, atunci ochii nu s-ar fi vazut aproape deloc :-D

Insa, eu ii pozez de foarte aproape si din acest motiv le fac si ochii (in imagini apar cam cat o figurina 1/35 si atunci ii detaliez cam cum ar fi o figurina la aceasta scara).
De exemplu, a lunetistului i se vede lentila lunetei (luceste mai tare, este facuta cu Mettalic Black de la Model Master) :-D Pe langa acestea, mai sunt o gramada de astfel de detalii care sunt greu de observat, dar ele exista, de exemplu gradele si peltitele SS aflate pe gulerele tunicilor.
Oricum, ochii sunt ceva extrem de usor de facut, la fete sunt mai greu de realizat spancenele.

Insa ce mi-a macat zilele, chiar la propriu, sunt uniformele de camuflaj. Sunt extrem de greu de reprodus, 50 de figurine imbracate in astfel de uniforme mi-au luat 3 luni ca sa le termin si zeci de ore de studiu inainte de a ma apuca.... :-D

De exemplu, pe tunica M43 pictata in modelul de camuflaj Pea Dot (aici purtata de ofiter) exista peste 200 de puncte relaizate cu trei culori diferite (un fel de crem, verde inchis si verde deschis). Punctele au fost aplicate dupa ce uniforma a fost pictata in alte 5 culori (kaki, maro inchis, maro deschis, verde inchis, verde deschis).

Si celelalte modele nu sunt tocmai usor de realizat, insa incerc sa le reproduc cat mai exact...
Oak Leaf este un alt model foarte greu de facut, la care trebuie sa vii cu pata peste pata pentru a realiza frunzuliţele, iar acestea sunt foarte de mici.

Cam acestea ar fi, in linii mari, distractiile unui astfel de set, asa ca fetele reprezinta ceva destul de usor de facut (culoare de baza, sprancene, ochi, buze, par si spalare cu Burnt Sienna). :whistle:

Va multumesc inca odata ptr. mesaje si cat mai multe critici si remarce sunt extrem de binevenite, ma ajuta f. mult sa aflu cat mai multe pareri ca sa ma perfectionez.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Panzer_Grenadire: 24 March 2007 - 08:53 AM

#8 Useril este offline   Bazu 

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Postat 24 March 2007 - 01:48 PM

Ce am remarcat si cred ca merita spus este ca la mortiera sunt facute semne de uzura,iar la Panzerfaust si Panzerschreck nu sunt facute.Poate ca la Panzerfaust este explicabil,fiind de unica folosinta,dar tot era tarat prin praf sau altele.
Par iesite din fabrica acum 5 min.

Cred ca un chip ideal la figurine ar fi ceva intre ce a facut dani si ce am vazut pana acum.Cred ca le lipseste ceva acestor ochi si buze, pe care toata lumea le critica.
Cred ca ar putea fi adaugate mai multe efecte---uleiuri,negreli.
In rest nu cred ca ar fi ceva de spus in afara de parerile de bine. :-D

#9 Useril este offline   Bazu 

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Postat 24 March 2007 - 01:51 PM

Am uitat ceva:
De ce are palma asa de verde tipu cu mortiera din poza a 2-a?

#10 Useril este offline   Z-mare 

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Postat 24 March 2007 - 06:51 PM

Panzer_Grenadire, inca o data zic, deosebita straduinta ta de a picta aceste figurine. Intr-adevar, rabdare si migala. vreau sa te conving cu orice pret, dar eu zic sa renunti la a picta ochii si buzele.
Iata citeva motive:
- la scara mica nu se vad, ochiul nu are zoom!
- buzele nu sunt rosii, iar ochii nu sunt negrii :-D
- daca nu sunt facute la meserie, mai mult strica decit scot in valoare ceva (poate vine cu niste detalii Wurger)!!!. Asta daca nu vrei ca figura sa fie mai degraba o caricatura (vezi foto 3 si 7)
- mai bine faci niste umbre si lumini, se scot mai bine in evidenta trasaturile fetei.(vezi coperta de la Revell in care figurinele, desi nu au ochi si buze, arata foarte bine din cauza jocului de lumini si umbre)


....iar daca pozele ar fi fost facute de la ceeasi distanta cu cea facuta de Dani....
Uite o figurina, 1/72, tot dintr-un set Revell, fara ochi si buze, fotografiata de aproape. Din pacate nu are umbre si lumini pictate (figurina e vopsita acum veo 10 ani cind inca nu pea stiam ce si cum), ci doar cele rezultate de la blitz.
P.S. Comparind figurina cu ale tale, fotografia are dimensiunu aproape duble fata de cele postate de tine. Tine cont de asta la "studiu" :whistle:

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: figura_1.jpg

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Z-mare: 24 March 2007 - 06:58 PM

#11 Useril este offline   Blue-Max 

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  Postat 25 March 2007 - 07:54 AM

Panzer_Grenadire, la Mar 24 2007, 08:49 AM, a spus:

La ochi nu voi renunta niciodata, mie imi plac, iar daca pozele ar fi fost facute de la ceeasi distanta cu cea facuta de Dani, atunci ochii nu s-ar fi vazut aproape deloc :-D

Never say "never" ! :whistle:

Z-mare a punctat si explicat foarte bine ...

#12 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 25 March 2007 - 08:52 AM


Ce am remarcat si cred ca merita spus este ca la mortiera sunt facute semne de uzura,iar la Panzerfaust si Panzerschreck nu sunt facute.

Desi nu sunt prea evidente in poze, la amandoua am adaugat putin praf si apoi le-am spalate cu Burnt Umber, insa sunt mult mai curate ca mortierul. Panzerfaustul are cele mai putine, fiind dupa cum ai mentionat si tu, de unica folosinta.

Fetele sunt spalate cu Burnt Sienna insa datorita faptului ca le pozez la lumina foarte puternica (bec de 500 W) unele culori (in special efecte care sunt aplicate pe fonduri deschise) sunt estompate. :-D

Servantul de la mortier are palmele verzi, pentru ca poarta manusi. :-D
Nu prea ai citit recenzia... :whistle: :-D

Daca te uiti in poza 9 (acolo sunt mai evidente), vei remarca ca inca un soldat are manusi, iar altul are doar o singura manusa. Modelul acesta de manusi era mai lung, pana aproape de cot, realizat in culori de camuflaj, la Waffen SS fiind reversibil pe cand la Wehrmacht nu.

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Panzer_Grenadire: 25 March 2007 - 09:11 AM

#13 Useril este offline   Panzer_Grenadire 

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Postat 25 March 2007 - 10:04 AM

Z-mare, buzele nu le fac cu rosu, sunt facute cu Matt Rust de la Humbrol peste care vine un Burnt Sienna, aceste culori numai rosii nu sunt. In unele poze, unele buze pot aparea mai rosii datorita constratului adaugat pozei. Ochii intr-adevar sunt aproape negri, de fapt sunt facuti cu Gun Metal de la Model Master, intrucat imi place cum luceste in realitate, daca lumina cade fericit, aceasta culoare are un licarit, ce mi se pare ca insufleteste aceste bucati de plastic... ;-)

Nu prea am inteles ce ai vrut sa arati aici cu figurina postata de tine. Nu vreau sa comentez ca cizmele au inceput sa i se topeasca si intra in asfalt si alte chestii de acest gen. Exista milioane de figurine astfel pictate... :-)

Insa aceasta figurina imi da prilejul sa comentz altceva, legat de problema ochilor... :-D Este o figurina Airfix la scara 1/76 (Luftwaffe Personne) si nu una Revell. Oricum este mai putin interesant asta, e pur informativ...

Altceva este cu mult mai interesant.... :roll:

Dupa cum bine remarci, chiar tu ai pictat nasturii de pe uniforma. Dupa cum bine stii, modelul acesta de nasturi avea aproximativ aceeasi dimensiune cu un ochi. In poza ta nasturii apar, ochii nu.... :-D
Care ar putea fi explicatia, in afara de faptul ca nasturii se fac de 10 ori mai usor decat ochii? La dimensiuni egale, tu nu aplici tratamente egale? :roll:

Daca aceasta nu este suficient, iti dau un exemplu si mai elocvent. :-(
Dupa cum remarci, ai pictat cu alb la epoleti vipusca (Waffenfarbe). Aceasta vipusca are o grosime de aproximativ 3 mm. Daca nu ma crezi, cand te intalnesti cu un militian, uita/te la vipusca de pe pantalonii lui, iar cea de pe epoleti este cu mult mai subtire.... :whistle:
Daca te uiti in oglinda, vei remarca ca pupila are o un diametru de peste 1 cm, in functie de cat de "bulbucati" suntem, deci cu mult mai mare decat vipusca.... :-)

Atunci cum se face ca la figurina ta, vipusca care are o grosime de 3 mm apare atat de evident pe cand ochiul cu mult mai mare, de peste 1 cm nu trebuie sa nu apara?

Mie mi se pare ca iti contrazici singur teoria, si daca reusesti sa imi explici problema asta, atunci chiar ca esti mare! :-D

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Panzer_Grenadire: 25 March 2007 - 10:08 AM

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Postat 25 March 2007 - 10:39 AM


Care ar putea fi explicatia, in afara de faptul ca nasturii se fac de 10 ori mai usor decat ochii? La dimensiuni egale, tu nu aplici tratamente egale

O femei se fardeaza pentru a scoate in evidenta niste calitati ale fetei si a ascunde, in acelasi timp, niste defecte. Daca treaba nu o face bine apare ceva strident, ceva ce-ti sare in ochi.
Aici nu e vorba de dimensiuni si de a le trata la fel, in modelism nici nu poti face asta, mai ales la scara mica, ci de a scoate in evidenta ceva, recte nasturi si vipusca. Din fericire, nici nasturii nici vipusca nu schimonosesc figurina in general, cu doar pun in evidenta niste detalii, mai bine sau mai prost. In schimb niste ochi sau buze facute atiurea pot schimba total o fizionomie, facind-o caricaturala. Ne fiind pictor nu pot sa-ti explic prea bine acest fenomen, dar priveste in jur si ai sa vezi cum ochii si buzele schimba radical fizionomia fetei, trecid-o prin toate gradele de frumusete, de la ceva superb la caricatura. Stii ca in anii '30, '40, in cinematografie, pentru ca un personaj sa fie rau, respingator sau sa reperzinte o bruta era suficient sa fie neras si cu gura strimba? Poate Wurger o sa ne arate, daca are timp, cum sta treaba.
Cum spuneam, nu vreau sa-ti impun ceva ci doar sa te conving. Mai departe este alegerea ta. Poate cindva o sa ne dai dreptate.
Da, ai dreptate, e o figurina Airfix, neterminata (nu are parul vopsit), ce trebuia sa ajunga intr-o diorama. Asta e si cauza pentru care cizmele "curg", la montare in diorama postametul urma sa fie taiat! :-D
P.S. Uita-te in oglinda si vezi ce culoare au buzele tale in raport cu restul fetei! :whistle:

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Z-mare: 25 March 2007 - 10:41 AM

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