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Vand carti WWII Carti in limba engleza, franceza si romana despre WWII

#1 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 03 January 2021 - 09:11 AM

Buna ziua,

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Asadar, ofer spre vanzare urmatoarele:

Wolfgang W.E. Samuel – German Boy. A Child in War (Hodder & Stoughton, 2002) – 60 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, a fost citita o singura data.
Memoriile unui fost soldat american, Colonelul Wolfgang W.E. Samuel al Fortelor Aeriene.


"I think German Boy has all the qualities of greatness. I love the book." -- from the Foreword by Stephen Ambrose

As the Third Reich crumbled in 1945, scores of Germans scrambled to flee the advancing Russian troops. Among them was a little boy named Wolfgang Samuel, who left his home with his mother and sister and ended up in war-torn Strasbourg before being forced farther west into a disease-ridden refugee camp. German Boy is the vivid, true story of their fight for survival as the tables of power turned and, for reasons Wolfgang was too young to understand, his broken family suffered arbitrary arrest, rape, hunger, and constant fear.

Because his father was off fighting the war as a Luftwaffe officer, young Wolfgang was forced to become the head of his household, scavenging for provisions and scraps with which to feed his family. Despite his best efforts, his mother still found herself forced to do the unthinkable to survive, and her sacrifices became Wolfgang's worst nightmares. Somehow, with the resilience only children can muster, he maintained his youth and innocence in little ways–making friends with other young refugees, playing games with shrapnel, delighting in the planes flown by the Americans and the candies the GIs brought. In the end, the Samuels begin life anew in America, and Wolfgang eventually goes on to a thirty-year career in the U.S. Air Force.

Bringing fresh insight to the dark history of Nazi Germany and the horror left in its wake, German Boy records the valuable recollections of an innocent's incredible journey.

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Michael Calvert – Fighting Mad. One man's guerrilla war (Pen & Sword Military, 2004) – 70 lei
Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare perfecta, este ca noua, nu a fost citita.

Nr Pagini: 208

Editura: Pen & Sword Military

Anul Publicarii: 2004

Descriere: Michael Calvert was one of the legendary figures of the Second World War. He hit the headlines as 'Mad Mike' after the first Chindit campaign in 1943, with a reputation as a tough and daring leader of guerrilla troops. He was one of the first men selected for the Chindits by the controversial General Orde Wingate. He became Wingate's right-hand man - both in fierce jungle fighting and in battles against stick-in-the-mud staff officers. His speciality was penetrating behind enemy lines. Mad Mike fought in the snow and ice of Norway, in the steaming jungles of Burma, and on the battlefields of Europe where in 1945 he commanded the crack Special Air Service Brigade.

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Colectia "Blitzkrieg", 5 volume (Ian Allan Publishing) - 70 lei

Cartile sunt in limba Engleza, sunt in stare foarte buna si au doar defecte absolut minore. Ofer spre vanzare urmatoarele volume:

Will Fowler – France, Holland and Belgium 1940-1941 (numarul 2)

Will Fowler – Russia 1941-1942 (numarul 3)

Will Fowler – The Balkans and North Africa 1941-1942 (numarul 4)

Will Fowler – Russia 1942-1943 (numarul 5)

Will Fowler – North Africa and Italy 1942-1944 (numarul 6)

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Ken Ford – Mailed Fist. 6th Armoured Division at War, 1940-1945 (Sutton Publishing, 2005) – 80 lei

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Nr. Pagini: 224

Editura: Sutton Publishing

Anul Publicarii: 2005

Descriere: Formed in 1940, the British 6th Armoured Division was in the thick of the action in North Africa from December 1942 in the climactic encounters with the Deutsches Afrika Korps. Combining eye witness accounts, unit war diaries and unpublished sources, this is a history of this distinguished division.

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Gottlob Herbert Bidermann – In Deadly Combat. A German soldier's memoir of the Eastern Front (University Press of Kansas, 2000) – 85 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, semne minime de uzura.
Nr. Pagini: 336

Editura: University Press of Kansas

Anul Publicarii: 2000

Descriere: Gottlob Bidermann served in World War II between 1941 and 1945, and his memoir of those years captures his gruelling experiences with an army marching on the road to ruin. The account conveys the brutality and horrors of the Eastern Front in great detail. Wounded five times and awarded numerous decorations for valour, Bidermann saw action in the Crimea and siege of Sebastapol, participated in the vicious battles in the forests south of Leningrad, and ended the war trapped in the Courland Pocket. He shares his impressions of countless Russian POWs, seen at the outset of his service, of peasants struggling to survive the hostilities while caught between two ruthless antagonists, and of corpses littering the landscape. He recalls a Christmas gift of gingerbread from home that overcame the stench of battle, an Easter celebrated with a basket of Russian hand grenades for eggs, and his miraculous survival of machine gun fire at close range. In closing he relives the humiliation of surrender to an enemy whom the Germans had once derided and offers a sobering glimpse into life in the Soviet gulags. Bidermann's account also debunks the myth of a highly mechanized German army that rolled over weaker opponents with impunity. Despite the vast expanses of territory captured by the Germans during the early months of Operation Barbarossa, the war with Russia remained tenuous and unforgiving.

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#2 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 04 January 2021 - 08:30 AM

Charles De Gaulle – Discours et messages dans l`attente 1946-1958 (Plon, 1970) - 35 lei

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Rochus Misch – J'etais garde du corps d'Hitler 1940-1945 (Le Livre de Poche, 2007) - 35 lei

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Rochus Misch a été le garde du corps d'Adolph Hitler. Quelque cinq années, de 1940 à 1945, passées nuit et jour auprès du dictateur nazi. De la chancellerie berlinoise aux appartements privés, du nid d'aigle de Berchtesgaden à la " Tanière du loup " en Prusse orientale et au QG ukrainien, Rochus Misch a suivi le Führer jusqu'à la fin du IIIème Reich. Il a été le premier témoin des petites et grandes heures des dirigeants nazis et de leurs compagnes, dont Eva Braun. Dernier soldat allemand à quitter le bunker après le suicide d'Hitler, il s'est installé à Berlin après neuf années de captivité en URSS. Il a choisi de raconter son parcours dans l'Allemagne tourmentée d'avant-guerre et sa vie quotidienne avec celui qui fut le principal instigateur du conflit le plus meurtrier de l'Histoire.

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P.R. Reid – The Colditz Story (Cassell Military Paperbacks, 2001) - 30 lei

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222 pagini.

Colditz was the last stop for prisoners of war in the Second World War. It was to this impregnable fortress that the Germans sent all those prisoners who persisted in escaping from other camps, such as Stalag Luft III (of THE GREAT ESCAPE FAME). Once within the walls of Colditz, the Germans reasoned, escape was impossible. And yet during the four-year period when the castle was used as a prison over 300 men escaped, 31 of whom managed to complete the hazardous journey home through Germany. Prisoners from 10 different countries formed a truly international escape academy. Skeleton keys were made, German passes forged, maps drafted, and all manner of tools and machinery constructed out of whatever the prisoners had to hand. The ingenuity of the escape artists knew no bounds: the tried everything from tunnelling, to hiding in rubbish sacks, disguising themselves as German officers, and leaping acrobatically from the castle walls.

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William A. Foley Jr. – Visions From a Foxhole. A riffleman in Patton's Ghost Corps (Presidio Press, 2004) - 35 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Este ca noua, stare excelenta.

Cotorul este putin afectat dupa ce a fost deschisa cartea, dupa cum se observa in poze. Fara alte defecte.

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#3 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 04 January 2021 - 08:36 AM

Keith E. Bonn – When the odds were even. The Vosges Mountains Campaign, October 1944-January 1945 (Presidio Press, 2006) - 35 lei

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Hans Von Luck – Panzer Commander. The Memoirs of Colonel Hans Von Luck (Dell Publishing, 1991) - 35 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare buna, cotorul este uzat, in rest nu are niciun defect.

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Florin Vasiliu - De la Pearl Harbor la Hiroshima (Editura Dacia, 1986) - 10 lei

Stare foarte buna, semne de uzura minime, datorate timpului.
Nu trimit in tara, prin posta sau curier, comenzile sub 15 lei. Daca produsul dumneavoastra se incadreaza in suma de 15 lei, sau aveti mai multe produse in totalitate de 15 lei sau mai mult, acestea sunt eligibile pentru expedierea prin posta sau curier.

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#4 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 05 January 2021 - 07:58 AM

Belton Y. Cooper – Death Traps. The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II (Presidio Press, 1998) - 40 lei

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“An important contribution to the history of World War II . . . I have never before been able to learn so much about maintenance methods of an armored division, with precise details that underline the importance of the work, along with descriptions of how the job was done.”—Russell F. Weigley, author of Eisenhower’s Lieutenants

“Cooper saw more of the war than most junior officers, and he writes about it better than almost anyone. . . . His stories are vivid, enlightening, full of life—and of pain, sorrow, horror, and triumph.”—Stephen E. Ambrose, from his Foreword

“In a down-to-earth style, Death Traps tells the compelling story of one man’s assignment to the famous 3rd Armored Division that spearheaded the American advance from Normandy into Germany. Cooper served as an ordnance officer with the forward elements and was responsible for coordinating the recovery and repair of damaged American tanks. This was a dangerous job that often required him to travel alone through enemy territory, and the author recalls his service with pride, downplaying his role in the vast effort that kept the American forces well equipped and supplied. . . . [Readers] will be left with an indelible impression of the importance of the support troops and how dependent combat forces were on them.”—Library Journal

“As an alumnus of the 3rd, I eagerly awaited this book’s coming out since I heard of its release . . . and the wait and the book have both been worth it. . . . Cooper is a very polished writer, and the book is very readable. But there is a certain quality of ‘you are there’ many other memoirs do not seem to have. . . . Nothing in recent times—ridgerunning in Korea, firebases in Vietnam, or even the one hundred hours of Desert Storm—pressed the ingenuity and resolve of American troops . . . like WWII. This book lays it out better than any other recent effort, and should be part of the library of any contemporary warrior.”—Stephen Sewell, Armor Magazine

“Cooper’s writing and recall of harrowing events is superb and engrossing. Highly recommended.”—Robert A. Lynn, The Stars and Stripes

“This detailed story will become a classic of WWII history and required reading for anyone interested in armored warfare.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

“[Death Traps] fills a critical gap in WWII literature. . . . It’s a truly unique and valuable work.”—G.I. Journal

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Jean-Pierre Azema, Robert O. Paxton, Philippe Burrin – 6 juin 44 (Perrin, 2008) - 40 lei

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C'est à la demande de ses lecteurs que tempus publie le texte qui accompagnait l'abondante illustration réunie pour le soixantième anniversaire du jour J. Ce succès, considérable à sa parution et jamais démenti, tient au regard panoramique adopté par les auteurs. Ils décortiquent les opérations - envisagées de chaque camp - , leur préparation, leur évolution hasardeuse et les conséquences du jour J sur la suite de la guerre, depuis la campagne de Normandie jusqu'à la Libération de Paris et ses lendemains. Enfin, ils décryptent les enjeux de mémoire et la place que tient le 6 juin 44 dans l'histoire du XXe siècle. Jean-Pierre Azéma, Robert O. Paxton et Philippe Burrin, dont les travaux et la notoriété font autorité, ont réussi le tour de force de nous faire appréhender autrement le jour J.

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Mike Morgan – Sting of the Scorpion. The inside story of the Long Range Desert Group (Sutton Publishing, 2003) - 40 lei

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This book is the amazing story/history of the LRDG, a WWII special forces unit that would probe the desert waste lands to conduct reconnaissance, pathfinding missions, mapping and survey ops as well as limited direct action missions, against Italian targets of opportunity. The unit also ferried the SAS into operations. This book is fabulously written and structured makes the read quite fast and easy. This story covers the LRDG birth in the desert as long-range patrol unit to the LRDG. It covers the personalities, evolution of the unit; operations, equipment and an inside look at many of the tactics and procedures employed at that time for mobility operations. Excellent book if you would like to see the roots of modern special operations.

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William Craig – Enemy at the Gates. The battle for Stalingrad (Penguin Books, 2001) - 40 lei

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The bloodiest battle in the history of warfare, Stalingrad was perhaps the single most important engagement of World War II. A major loss for the Axis powers, the battle for Stalingrad signaled the beginning of the end for the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler.

During the five years William Craig spent researching the battle for Stalingrad, he traveled extensively on three continents, studying documents and interviewing hundreds of survivors, both military and civilian. This unique account is their story, and the stories of the nearly two million men and women who lost their lives.

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#5 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 05 January 2021 - 08:05 AM

Imi cer scuze ca fac mai multe postari, forumul nu-mi permite sa adaug mai multe poze intr-o singura postare.

Robert Leckie – Challenge for the Pacific. Guadalcanal: The turning point of the war (Bantam Books, 2010) - 40 lei

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From Robert Leckie, the World War II veteran and New York Times bestselling author of Helmet for My Pillow, whose experiences were featured in the HBO miniseries The Pacific, comes this vivid narrative of the astonishing six-month campaign for Guadalcanal.

From the Japanese soldiers' carefully calculated—and ultimately foiled—attempt to build a series of impregnable island forts on the ground to the tireless efforts of the Americans who struggled against a tenacious adversary and the temperature and terrain of the island itself, Robert Leckie captures the loneliness, the agony, and the heat of twenty-four-hour-a-day fighting on Guadalcanal. Combatants from both sides are brought to life: General Archer Vandegrift, who first assembled an amphibious strike force; Isoroku Yamamoto, the naval general whose innovative strategy was tested; the island-born Allied scout Jacob Vouza, who survived hideous torture to uncover the enemy's plans; and Saburo Sakai, the ace flier who shot down American planes with astonishing ease.

Propelling the Allies to eventual victory, Guadalcanal was truly the turning point of the war. Challenge for the Pacific is an unparalleled, authoritative account of this great fight that forever changed our world.

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Guy Sajer – The Forgotten Soldier. The Classic WWII Autobiography (Brassey's US Classic) - 45 lei

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Forgotten Soldier recounts the horror of World War II on the eastern front, as seen through the eyes of a teenaged German soldier. At first an exciting adventure, young Guy Sajer's war becomes, as the German invasion falters in the icy vastness of the Ukraine, a simple, desperate struggle for survival against cold, hunger, and above all the terrifying Soviet artillery. As a member of the elite Gross Deutschland Division, he fought in all the great battles from Kursk to Kharkov.

Sajer's German footsoldier's perspective makes The Forgotten Soldier a unique war memoir, the book that the Christian Science Monitor said "may well be the book about World War II which has been so long awaited." Now it has been handsomely republished containing fifty rare German combat photos of life and death at the eastern front. The photos of troops battling through snow, mud, burned villages, and rubble-strewn cities depict the hardships and destructiveness of war. Many are originally from the private collections of German soldiers and have never been published before. This volume is a deluxe edition of a true classic.

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Richard J. Evans – The coming of the Third Reich (Penguin Books, 2004) - 45 lei

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672 pagini

"The clearest and most gripping account I've read of German life before and during the rise of the Nazis." —A. S Byatt, Times Literary Supplement

There is no story in twentieth-century history more important to understand than Hitler's rise to power and the collapse of civilization in Nazi Germany. With The Coming of the Third Reich, Richard Evans, one of the world's most distinguished historians, has written the definitive account for our time. A masterful synthesis of a vast body of scholarly work integrated with important new research and interpretations, Evans's history restores drama and contingency to the rise to power of Hitler and the Nazis, even as it shows how ready Germany was by the early 1930s for such a takeover to occur. The Coming of the Third Reich is a masterwork of the historian's art and the book by which all others on the subject will be judged.


"Richard J. Evans's The Coming of the Third the clearest and most gripping account I've read of German life before and during the rise of the Nazis." —A. S Byatt, Times Literary Supplement

"Richard J. Evans's The Coming of the Third Reich is an enormous work of synthesis—knowledgable and reliable." —Mark Mazower, New York Times Book Review

"[A] first-rate narrative history that informs and educates and may inspire readers to delve even deeper into the subject." —Booklist

"Brilliant."–Washington Post

"The generalist reader, it should be emphasized, is well served. …The book reads briskly, covers all important areas—social and cultural—and succeeds in its aim of giving "voice to the people who lived through the years with which it deals." —Denver Post

"One finally puts down this magnificent volume thirsty, on the one hand, for the next installment in the Nazi saga yet still haunted by the questions Evan poses and so masterfully grapples with."―Abraham Brumberg, The Nation

"This first part of what will be Evans' three-volume history of Hitler's regime is the most comprehensive and convincing work so far on the gall of Weimar and Hitler's rise to power."―Foreign Affairs

About the Author
Richard J. Evans was born in London and educated at Oxford University. He has taught at Columbia University and Birkbeck, University of London, and since 2014 has been the Regius Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Cambridge. His many publications include an acclaimed three-volume history of the Third Reich and a recent collection of essays, The Third Reich in History and Memory. A Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Literature, he is a past winner of the Wolfson History Prize, and was twice a History Honoree at the Los Angeles Times Book Awards. In 2012 he was appointed Knight Bachelor in the Queen's Birthday Honors List, for services to scholarship.

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#6 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 05 January 2021 - 08:21 AM

Terry Brighton – Masters of Battle. Monty, Patton and Rommel at War (Penguin Books, 2009) - 50 lei

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Descriere: 'They should put Montgomery and Patton and Rommel in the same ring and take off the gloves and let 'em go at it' Bill Mauldin, American GI In the Second World War, Great Britain, the United States and Germany each had one commander who stood out from the rest: Bernard Montgomery, George Patton and Erwin Rommel. In Masters of Battle, all three are 'put in the same ring' and allowed to 'go at it' against a backdrop of the great armoured battles of North Africa, the invasions of Sicily and Italy, the Normandy landings and the push through France and Belgium into Germany. Through the mutual respect of the arch-enemies Monty and Rommel, and the mutual animosity of the allies Monty and Patton, Masters of Battle presents the Second World War as it was experienced by its three most flamboyant, controversial and influential commanders.

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John Mosier – The Blitzkrieg Myth. How Hitler and the allies misread the strategic realities of World War II (Perennial, 2004) - 60 lei

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Nr Pagini: 320

Descriere: A bold reinterpretation of some of the most decisive battles of World War II, showing that the outcomes had less to do with popular new technology than old fashioned, on the ground warfare. The military myths of World War II were based on the assumption that the new technology of the airplane and the tank would cause rapid and massive breakthroughs on the battlefield, or demoralization of the enemy by intensive bombing resulting in destruction, or surrender in a matter of weeks. The two apostles for these new theories were the Englishman J.C.F. Fuller for armoured warfare, and the Italian Emilio Drouhet for airpower. Hitler, Rommel, von Manstein, Montgomery and Patton were all seduced by the breakthrough myth or blitzkrieg as the decisive way to victory. Mosier shows how the Polish campaign in fall 1939 and the fall of France in spring 1940 were not the blitzkrieg victories as proclaimed. He also reinterprets Rommel's North African campaigns, D Day and the Normandy campaign, Patton's attempted breakthrough into the Saar and Germany, Montgomery's flawed breakthrough at Arnhem, and Hitler's last desperate breakthrough effort to Antwerp in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944. All of these actions saw the clash of the breakthrough theories with the realities of conventional military tactics, and Mosier's novel analysis of these campaigns, the failure of airpower, and the military leaders on both sides, is a challenging reassessment of the military history of World War II. The book includes maps and photos. "

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Max Hastings – Armageddon. The Battle for Germany (Pan Books, 2005) - 60 lei

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One of the greatest military feats during the Second World War was the transformation of the German force's activities in the weeks following the battles in Holland and the German border, where the Allies had finally inflicted the greatest catastrophes of modern war on them. Somehow the Germans found the strength to halt the Allied advance in its tracks and to prolong the war to 1945. This book is the epic story of those last eight months of the war in northern Europe. 'As a military historian Max Hastings has few equals' Times Literary Supplement 'Max Hastings now stands in the first rank of writers on modern war' Financial Times

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#7 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 05 January 2021 - 08:42 AM

Antony Beevor (ed. trans.), Luba Vinogradova (ed., trans.) – A writer at war. Vasily Grossman with the Red Army, 1941-1945 (Pantheon Books, 2005) - 115 lei

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Edited and translated from the Russian by Antony Beevor and Luba Vinogradova Knopf Canada is proud to present a masterpiece of the Second World War, never before published in English, from one of the great Russian writers of the 20th century – a vivid eyewitness account of the Eastern Front and "the ruthless truth of war."

When the Germans invaded Russia in 1941, Vasily Grossman became a special correspondent for the Red Star, the Red Army's newspaper. A Writer at War – based on the notebooks in which Grossman gathered raw material for his articles – depicts the crushing conditions on the Eastern Front, and the lives and deaths of soldiers and civilians alike. It also includes some of the earliest reportage on the Holocaust. In the three years he spent on assignment, Grossman witnessed some of the most savage fighting of the war: the appalling defeats of the Red Army, the brutal street fighting in Stalingrad, the Battle of Kursk (the largest tank engagement in history), the defense of Moscow, the battles in Ukraine and much more.

Historian Antony Beevor has taken Grossman's raw notebooks, and fashioned them into a narrative providing one of the most even-handed descriptions – at once unflinching and sensitive – we have ever had of what he called "the ruthless truth of war." Imagine postata Imagine postata Imagine postata Imagine postata

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Postat 06 January 2021 - 09:37 AM

Salut, as vrea eu Colectia "Blitzkrieg", 5 volume (Ian Allan Publishing) - 70 lei.

Vezi PM

#9 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 06 January 2021 - 06:18 PM

Colectia "Blitzkrieg" rezervata pana pe 14 Ianuarie!

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Postat 16 January 2021 - 12:32 PM

Colectia "Blitzkrieg" vanduta!

#11 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 25 November 2021 - 08:13 AM

Salut! Au mai ramas aceste carti. Fac si reducere daca cumparati doua carti sau mai mult.

Gottlob Herbert Bidermann – In Deadly Combat. A German soldier's memoir of the Eastern Front (University Press of Kansas, 2000) – 85 lei

Ken Ford – Mailed Fist. 6th Armoured Division at War, 1940-1945 (Sutton Publishing, 2005) – 80 lei

Michael Calvert – Fighting Mad. One man's guerrilla war (Pen & Sword Military, 2004) – 70 lei

John Mosier – The Blitzkrieg Myth. How Hitler and the allies misread the strategic realities of World War II (Perennial, 2004) - 60 lei
Wolfgang W.E. Samuel – German Boy. A Child in War (Hodder & Stoughton, 2002) – 60 lei

Terry Brighton – Masters of Battle. Monty, Patton and Rommel at War (Penguin Books, 2009) - 50 lei
Richard J. Evans – The coming of the Third Reich (Penguin Books, 2004) - 45 lei
Guy Sajer – The Forgotten Soldier. The Classic WWII Autobiography (Brassey's US Classic) - 45 lei
Robert Leckie – Challenge for the Pacific. Guadalcanal: The turning point of the war (Bantam Books, 2010) - 40 lei
Mike Morgan – Sting of the Scorpion. The inside story of the Long Range Desert Group (Sutton Publishing, 2003) - 40 lei
Jean-Pierre Azema, Robert O. Paxton, Philippe Burrin – 6 juin 44 (Perrin, 2008) - 40 lei

Belton Y. Cooper – Death Traps. The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II (Presidio Press, 1998) - 40 lei
Hans Von Luck – Panzer Commander. The Memoirs of Colonel Hans Von Luck (Dell Publishing, 1991) - 35 lei

Keith E. Bonn – When the odds were even. The Vosges Mountains Campaign, October 1944-January 1945 (Presidio Press, 2006) - 35 lei
William A. Foley Jr. – Visions From a Foxhole. A riffleman in Patton's Ghost Corps (Presidio Press, 2004) - 35 lei
P.R. Reid – The Colditz Story (Cassell Military Paperbacks, 2001) - 30 lei
Rochus Misch – J'etais garde du corps d'Hitler 1940-1945 (Le Livre de Poche, 2007) - 35 lei

Charles De Gaulle – Discours et messages dans l`attente 1946-1958 (Plon, 1970) - 35 lei

#12 Useril este offline   Cyborg 

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Postat 25 November 2021 - 10:32 PM

Buna seara.
Doresc sa cumpar doua carti din lista dvs.: Sajer, The Forgotten Soldier, si Bidermann, In Deadly Combat.
Va voi contacta prin pm, pentru perfectarea tranzactiei.

#13 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 28 November 2021 - 05:45 PM

The Forgotten Soldier si In Deadly Combat, vandute! :) Sper ca domnul este multumit de calitatea produselor si de pret. :)

#14 Useril este offline   Filip 

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Postat 07 March 2023 - 06:17 AM

Salut! Au mai ramas aceste carti. Am redus preturile
Pozele sunt trecute mai sus, insa daca doriti vi le pot trimite in privat.
Predare persoanala in Bucuresti zona Tineretului sau prin posta/curier cu plata anticipata in cont.

Bill Goshen – War Paint. The 1st Infantry Division's LRP/Ranger Company in Fierce Combat in Vietnam (Presidio Press, 2001) - 30 leiCartea este in Limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, semne minime de uzura. Citita probabil o singura data.

James R. Ebert – A Life in a Year. The American Infantryman in Vietnam (Presidio Press, 2004) - 30 lei

Cartea este in Limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, semne minime de uzura. Citita probabil o singura data.

Tom Mangold, John Penycate – The Tunnels of Cu Chi (Presidio Press, 2005) - 27 lei

Cartea este in Limba Engleza. Stare foarte buna, semne minime de uzura. Citita probabil o data sau de doua ori.

Mark W. Woodruff – Unheralded Victory. The Defeat of the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army 1961-1973 (Presidio Press, 2005) - 27 lei

Cartea este in Limba Engleza. Stare foarte buna, semne minime de uzura. Citita probabil o data sau de doua ori Hans Von Luck – Panzer Commander. The Memoirs of Colonel Hans Von Luck (Dell Publishing, 1991) - 30 leiCartea este in limba Engleza. Stare buna, cotorul este uzat, in rest nu are niciun defect.

Keith E. Bonn – When the odds were even. The Vosges Mountains Campaign, October 1944-January 1945 (Presidio Press, 2006) - 30 leiCartea este in limba Engleza. Este noua, nu are niciun defect.

William A. Foley Jr. – Visions From a Foxhole. A riffleman in Patton’s Ghost Corps (Presidio Press, 2004) - 30 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Este ca noua, stare excelenta. Cotorul este putin afectat dupa ce a fost deschisa cartea. Fara alte defecte.

P.R. Reid – The Colditz Story (Cassell Military Paperbacks, 2001) - 27 lei

Cartea este in limba engleza. Este in stare foarte buna, insa este usor indointa din cauza transportului. Nu a fost citita.

Charles De Gaulle – Discours et messages dans l`attente 1946-1958 (Plon, 1970) - 25 lei

Cartea este in limba Franceza. Conditie foarte buna.

Rochus Misch – J’etais garde du corps d’Hitler 1940-1945 (Le Livre de Poche, 2007) - 27 lei

Cartea este in limba Franceza. Conditie excelenta, ca noua. Nu a fost citita.

Belton Y. Cooper – Death Traps. The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II (Presidio Press, 1998) - 35 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, nu a fost citita.

Ronald E. Winter – Masters of the Art. A fighting Marine’s Memoir of Vietnam (Presidio Press, 2005) - 35

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, nu a fost citita.

Al Sever – Xin Loi, Viet Nam. Thirty-One Months of War: A Soldier’s Memoir (Presidio Press, 2005) - 35 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, nu a fost citita.

William Van Zanten – Don’t Bunch Up. One Marine’s Story (Presidio Press, 2005) - 35 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, nu a fost citita.

John Keegan – La Premiere Guerre mondiale (Perrin, 2005) - 35 lei

Cartea este in limba Franceza. Conditie foarte buna, semne minime de uzura, probabil a fost citita o singura data.

Jean-Pierre Azema, Robert O. Paxton, Philippe Burrin – 6 juin 44 (Perrin, 2008) - 40 lei

Cartea este in limba Franceza. Conditie excelenta, ca noua. Nu a fost citita.

Mike Morgan – Sting of the Scorpion. The inside story of the Long Range Desert Group (Sutton Publishing, 2003) - 35 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Cartea este noua, nu a fost citita si este in stare impecabila.

Terry Brighton – Masters of Battle. Monty, Patton and Rommel at War (Penguin Books, 2009) - 40 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. A fost citita probabil o singura data, este in stare excelenta.

John Mosier – The Blitzkrieg Myth. How Hitler and the allies misread the strategic realities of World War II (Perennial, 2004) - 50 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, este ca noua, nu a fost citita.

Wolfgang W.E. Samuel – German Boy. A Child in War (Hodder & Stoughton, 2002) - 50 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, a fost citita o singura data.

Michael Calvert – Fighting Mad. One man’s guerrilla war (Pen & Sword Military, 2004) - 60 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare perfecta, este ca noua, nu a fost citita.

Ken Ford – Mailed Fist. 6th Armoured Division at War, 1940-1945 (Sutton Publishing, 2005) - 70 lei

Cartea este in limba Engleza. Stare excelenta, este ca noua, nu a fost citita.

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