flo, la 15 December 2019 - 02:34 PM, a spus:
Minunate realizari. Faine poze. Multumim 177.
Intreb si eu: Ce sunt balizel e acelea precum cele din poza cu HMCS Annapolis? Cum ajung modelele legate de ele? Isi sufleca careva pantalonii si intra in apa?

Nu-si sufleca pantalonii pentru ca apa nu e adanca, iar temperaturile sunt destul de ridicate. Iata raspunsul: "Some of the guys use cord but I have some anchor cable which has a loop in the end which fits over the capstan. The buoy is secured to the bottom with a weight. They hold well and swing around the buoy like the real thing in the the tide and breeze."
FSB Vorovskiy
HMAS Childers
HMAS Nizam
HMCS Annapolis si HMCS St. Laurent
HMCS Snowberry
HMNZS Canterbury
HMS Cornwal
HMS Hermes (varianta 1982)
HNMS Friso si HMCS Snowbwerry
John Oxley

SS John W Brown
USS Hazelwood
USS Hart
Aceasta postare a fost editata de 177: 25 December 2019 - 07:43 PM