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MiG-21 F-13 romanesc vopsit "festiv" cu ce ocazie?

#21 Useril este offline   Robotzel 

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Postat 25 September 2006 - 03:43 PM

... and one F-13 destined as a gate guard.

interesant si cel sectionat, pacat ca pozele sunt extrem de mici :-D

#22 Useril este offline   zapacitu 

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Postat 26 September 2006 - 03:43 PM

Inca doua raritati de la Deveselu:

MiG-21 RFMM 8006 - "banc de proba" pentru camuflajul de Lancer A/B

MiG-21 RFMM 8102 - cu 5 puncte de acrosaj in loc de 3, cele 2 in plus fiind adaugate de Aerostar Bacau prin anii 80.

#23 Useril este offline   Schumy 

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Postat 27 September 2006 - 08:12 PM

Salutare!Azi am descoperit forumul asta si pot zice ca e chiar interesant.In legatura cu MiG-ul 21 F am sa va zic intr-o luna ,max 2 exact care e povestea lui.Tatal meu a zburat din 88 pana in 2000 la Deveselu si cand vine pe acasa am sa va zic exact ce si cum

#24 Useril este offline   Samyr444 

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  Postat 13 December 2006 - 01:10 AM


Sa va lamuresc putin.
Mig-ul F-13 Nr.20 a fost in parcul din fata dormitoarelor Sc. Mil. de M.M si Subofiteri A Fortelor Aeriene de la Medias, aparatul fiind mutat alaturi de IAR-93A nr.116 Pre-serie 1 undeva in vara anului 2004. Alte aparate ale scolii ajungand la Sc de Aplicatie a Fortelor Aeriene Boboc in acelas an.Variante de PF/PFM/M/MF, INCLUSIV acel la F-13 camuflat LanceR "C" de la intrare in scoala.
Ca o completare la cele relatate de GOPO, ultimele patru F-13 au zburat in cadrul regimentului 86 Av.Vt de la Borcea.Desi, pe la noi se stie ca ultimul zbor a avut loc in 1975.
Ptr. Flyboy, "93-urie" stau cu botul la soare pentru ca au scoase motoarele si multe alte echipamente, aceasi problema si la "21" clasic multe avand conurile demontate si radarele de bord eliminate si casate, in curand vor urma si avioanele, numai o chestiune de timp.Initial ele sunt scoase la vanzare.Se pot lua la Kg ca fier vechi, pe bune!!!
De curand 5 au scoase la licitatie pt. vanzare ca fier vechi, nu stiu rezultatul.Oricum toate vor sfarsi in curand, pacat ca la noi in tara nu sunt colectionari de avioane ca in alte zari.



#25 Useril este offline   Samyr444 

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Postat 13 December 2006 - 01:15 AM

Ca o completare la Deveselu sunt stocate 30 de Mig-21 si un IAR-93A. Iar la Craiova sunt putin peste 120 de aparate cate 60 de "93" si "21".

#26 Useril este offline   FlyBoy 

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Postat 13 December 2006 - 08:03 AM

Marfa...Daca imi iau unul unde naiba il pun...??? Gopo ai ceva loc pe la Turnu pentru un 21 ??? Cred ca o sa fie numai bun de clocitoare....o vreme !!! Dupa aia il facem antena de ultrascurte :-x

#27 Useril este offline   Robotzel 

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Postat 13 December 2006 - 12:12 PM

Are cineva idee cat ar costa unul? :angry:

BTW, daca nu m-au inselat ochii, am zarit recent un 93 in curtea Academiei Tehnice Militare, la p-ta Cosbuc...

#28 Useril este offline   goposaurus 

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Postat 13 December 2006 - 12:13 PM

Se rezolva! :angry:

#29 Useril este offline   Robotzel 

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Postat 13 December 2006 - 12:32 PM

Pe cand si 29?... citeam de curand 'A private collector, Don Kirlin, has 2 MiG-29s that he purchased from Kyrgyzstan. They are supposedly lacking the avionics package, due to State Department restrictions. A U.S. avionics system would need to be sourced. They are currently located at the Quincy, Illinois airport. According to airport workers, Kirlin paid US$100,000 for both planes.'

#30 Useril este offline   Samyr444 

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Postat 13 December 2006 - 03:19 PM

Va salut din nou,

Preturile variaza de la aparat la aparat, de ex. in 2004 fiind in trecere pe la Boboc am vazut cum L-uri 39 erau incarcate in containare si expediate catre diferiti cumparatori, unul intreg costand in jur de 7500 Euro, insa necesitand reparatii pentru prelungirea resursei.Alt ex. in Jud.Buzau intr-un sat un "Parinte" a primit doua L-29 descompletate(doar carcasa) pe nimic avand o organizatie non-profit, in cazul acesta cu ceva sustinere se pot primi astfel avioane.Cazuri sunt multe si in est respectiv vest.
L-29 cu cateva zeci de ore resursa de zbor am auzit ca se pot da si la 2000Euro.Cu alte cuvinte la 100.000 euro, se pot achizitiona zeci de avioane, poate parea deplasat dar este adevarat.
Sa va redau un fragment dintr-un mail primit de la Paul Van der Linden, editor la Scramble Magazine,Olanda. Anul acesta la RoIAS iam cunoscut alturi de alti jurnalisti toti "nebuni dupa Mig-uri" si foarte buni cunoscatori ai aviatiei romane cu articole la activ despre RoAF. IATA SECTIUNI DINTR-UN MAIL IUNIE-2005

Hi Samir,

Well thank you very much for the compliment! It is nice to hear that
like the article. It was quit difficult to find out all the historic
as I obviously speak no Romanian which is an extremely difficult
for me to understand. Also it is very nice to talk to a fellow aviation
enthusiast from Romania as it appears there are not too many of you

Thanks for the updates on my article. If you have any other things,
news about the Romanian air force, please let me know. I will add you
to my
adres list of people I sent the monthly English translation of the
news section of Scramble that I sent to my regular correspondents every
month. Maybe it is interesting for you.

It is great to be at Borcea I assume! I am a big big big MiG-21 fan and
is fantastic to see them fly every week I guess! There will be four
I was informed from Borcea, in England in July for an exercise at
Lossiemouth. Afterwards they will participate in the Royal Internation
Tattoo at Fairford and then to a meeting at Kleine Brogel in Belgium. I
be there and I am really looking forward to it!! Are you working at the

It is nice to hear the you saw arrive MiG-29UB 22 at MK by road! I saw
it at
Aerostar in September 2003 and was surprised to see it was no longer
during our visit to Aerostar last month. During our visit to Aerostar
2003 there was also a MiG-21MF with a damaged nose which we saw at
two days later. So I figured it would be possible that '22' was moved
to MK
to join the other aircraft in storage there. When we saw it in 2003 it
surely had some damage at the fuselage. Do you have any idea when the
flights with the MiG-29s were flown at MK? I saw two aircraft at
airshow in 2000 but I had the feeling that they stopped flying soon
afterwards. I don't think that there were any MiG-29s flying at MK
2001 was it?

To answer your question about the L-29/L-39s; the price totally depends
the amount of resources left on the airframe (which was surprising).
aircraft has a number of hours which can be made on the airframe as
well as
a number of years. For example for the MiG-21s this was 2400 hours and
years. The MiG-21PFs at Deveselu only had 800 hours which made the
20.000 Dollars each despite them being in a terrible shape, however
were some MiG-21US which were in a much better shape with 2250 or so
on the airframe (with only 250 hours remaining in theory) which only
9000 Dollars. The L-29s which were in storage at Boboc only had few
remaining and were really in a very bad condition. The only cost
1300 - 2000 Dollars and they are really not worth any more. I was very
surprised that some of these have been sold over the past two years! My
American friend has a small flying museum and a small jet warbird
school. He
is already flying two MiG-21s (a UM and an MF) as well as a L-29. The
aircraft he wants to buy from Romania is a MiG-21US. It is really
what is possible in the USA. There are obviously some very rich people
overthere who can afford flying these aircraft for fun! My friend is
really very rich as he is an airline pilot who is paying for his hobby
(flying the MiG-21MF) by earning some money in teaching other people to
the MiG-21UM and L-29.

Samir, do you know anything about the MiG-21RFMM which is now preserved
the pole in Borcea? Do you know which aircraft was used for this?

Greetings, Paul

Paul van der Linden
Eastern Europe / Japan editor
Scramble magazine

Multe alte de spus!!!

#31 Useril este offline   Robotzel 

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Postat 13 December 2006 - 11:44 PM

Daca tot s-a pomenit de IAR-93... pe ziua de azi am aranjat si completat un pic articolul din wikipedia. Ofera cineva niste poze personale (adica fara probleme de copyright) pt ilustrare? Anuntati-ma si de eventualele inexactitati daca se poate :angry:

Aceasta postare a fost editata de Robotzel: 13 December 2006 - 11:48 PM

#32 Useril este offline   goposaurus 

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Postat 14 December 2006 - 06:41 AM

Eu am vreo 40 de poze facute avionului 214 care zace la Timisoara. Singura problema e ca vopseaua e cam obosita... :angry:

#33 Useril este offline   Suburban 

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Postat 15 December 2006 - 09:57 AM

93-ul de la Timisoara l-am vazut prima data in 2004; am avut mare grija sa cer loc in partea dreapta a avionului; din pacate nu am scanner, am cateva poze de rezolutie slaba(in miscare) facute in 2004 cu acest 214, parcat in fata hangarului, care cum este civil. Poza atasata este facuta in mai 2006; micutul IAR se ascunde in spatele Fokker-ului. :angry:

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: CIMG1083.JPG

#34 Useril este offline   goposaurus 

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Postat 15 December 2006 - 11:06 AM

Tot acolo era si la sfarsitul lui august anul acesta.

Thumbnail atasat

  • Imagine atasata: P1020326.jpg

#35 Useril este offline   zapacitu 

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Postat 15 December 2006 - 08:20 PM

Revenind la MiG-21, are cineva poze cu 5902?
Asta era un MiG-21 MF-75 modernizat de IAI si prezentat la LeBourget 1993 sub numele de MiG-21-2000. Ulterior contractul cu IAI a fost reziliat, Elbit continuand modernizarea (Lancerele). Din ce am putut afla 5902 s-a prabusit in 1994 la Deveselu.

#36 Userul este online   1-0-9 

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Postat 15 December 2006 - 10:49 PM

Sint destule cu avionul dupa modernizare...dar avionul prezentat la Bourget pare a fi (fost) un bis...


IAI showed a prototype ' rampant' of MiG21-2000 (described like having been converted starting from Mig-21 damaged Ethiopic or of Mig-21MF, 5902 Rumanian) to the aeronautical living room of Le Bourget in 1993, and this apparatus was described like representative the configuration of Rumanian improvement. Outside, the only important modification of the apparatus was the contribution of a circular windshield of only one holding, but the attentive observers also noticed the box of head of the new ejector seat zéro-zéro Martin-Baker Mk 10.

Imagine postata
Imagine postata

#37 Useril este offline   zapacitu 

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Postat 15 December 2006 - 10:55 PM

mersi, dar nu e cel pe care-l caut

Ce ai postat tu e intr-adevar un bis, avion proprietate a IAI - vezi steaua lui David. A fost achizitionat dupa ce a cazut afacerea cu romanii.

Ala de care zic eu, 5902 avea cocarde (romanesti) si o schema de vopsire alba cu ceva dungi rosii si galbene - imi amintesc de el din niste imagini de la TV...

#38 Userul este online   1-0-9 

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Postat 15 December 2006 - 11:29 PM

Daca ai rabdare sa descarci, aici gasesti mai multe filme de la bourget 1993...cine stie ce e pe acolo...

#39 Useril este offline   Schumy 

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Postat 15 December 2006 - 11:47 PM

Chestia asta chiar nu o stiam,insa incerc in weekend sa vb cu tata si sa aflu exact ce si cum e cu avionul ala.M-ai facut super interesat.

#40 Useril este offline   Kamob 50 

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Postat 16 December 2006 - 09:44 AM

1-0-9, la Dec 16 2006, 12:29 AM, a spus:

Daca ai rabdare sa descarci, aici gasesti mai multe filme de la bourget 1993...cine stie ce e pe acolo...

966MB mai tarziu: sigur nu e MiG-ul 21...

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