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Noi vopsele de la Revell ?!
Postat 16 February 2005 - 06:02 PM
Model details
Release date 07/2005
In order to satisfy the needs of every modeller, Revell has developed a brandnew paint system, offering a wealth of benefits!
'Revell 'Aqua Color'-paints in the brand-new 20-ml jars/pots are ideal for modelling:
- Paints can be thinned with water only
- Paints are mild-smelling
- Paints are non-inflammable
- Paints contain virtually no organic solvents
- 36 different colours
- Paints can be intermixed
- The paint is dry to the touch after 2 to 3 hours
- An hour after painting one colour, you can apply another over the top, i.e. six times quicker than with 'Email-Color' paints
- After allowing the specified drying time, the new paints and the existing 'Email-Color' paints can be easily painted one on top of the other
The paint is also suitable for airbrushing. In the process, please observe the following:
- Do not thin the paint too excessively
- Dilute with water (max. 20 to 25%). Do not use solvent-based thinners!
- Clean the spray gun with water immediately after use
- If the paint has already dried on, the spray gun can also be cleaned with 'Airbrush Clean'
When using a paintbrush:
- The paints are ready to use and give extremely good coverage
- Exceptional results with a paintbrush
- Smooth surfaces look almost as good as when airbrushed
- End result absolutely comparable with 'Email-Color' paints
- Notch in top rim of paint jar/pot provides a secure resting place for brush while working
- Clean brush with water immediately after use
Release date 07/2005
In order to satisfy the needs of every modeller, Revell has developed a brandnew paint system, offering a wealth of benefits!
'Revell 'Aqua Color'-paints in the brand-new 20-ml jars/pots are ideal for modelling:
- Paints can be thinned with water only
- Paints are mild-smelling
- Paints are non-inflammable
- Paints contain virtually no organic solvents
- 36 different colours
- Paints can be intermixed
- The paint is dry to the touch after 2 to 3 hours
- An hour after painting one colour, you can apply another over the top, i.e. six times quicker than with 'Email-Color' paints
- After allowing the specified drying time, the new paints and the existing 'Email-Color' paints can be easily painted one on top of the other
The paint is also suitable for airbrushing. In the process, please observe the following:
- Do not thin the paint too excessively
- Dilute with water (max. 20 to 25%). Do not use solvent-based thinners!
- Clean the spray gun with water immediately after use
- If the paint has already dried on, the spray gun can also be cleaned with 'Airbrush Clean'
When using a paintbrush:
- The paints are ready to use and give extremely good coverage
- Exceptional results with a paintbrush
- Smooth surfaces look almost as good as when airbrushed
- End result absolutely comparable with 'Email-Color' paints
- Notch in top rim of paint jar/pot provides a secure resting place for brush while working
- Clean brush with water immediately after use
Postat 17 February 2005 - 12:16 PM
Olaf, pe site-ul, ce cu bunavointa si fara absolut nici un rost (poade doar sa-i arate pitipoancei lui cit e de tare in asa trebi!) a fost hacuit, aratam un dispozitiv din lemn cu gauri in el, in care se tin in siguranta recipientii cu vopsea. Nu e mare lucru de el: o bucatica de scindurica in care au fost date gauri egale cu diametrele diferitilor recipienti.
PS. Nu va mai bateti capul la relatia leu/euro! Nu are nici o legatura cu realitatea romaneasca ci cu interesele unui grup mai mare sau mai mic de asa zis "afaceristi".Pute, si inca rau de tot :-?
PS. Nu va mai bateti capul la relatia leu/euro! Nu are nici o legatura cu realitatea romaneasca ci cu interesele unui grup mai mare sau mai mic de asa zis "afaceristi".Pute, si inca rau de tot :-?
Postat 17 February 2005 - 12:40 PM
OlafTheViking, la Feb 17 2005, 10:07 AM, a spus:
Singurul dezavantaj ca au cutia de plastic (sau cel putin asa vad eu de aici) si nu mai pot sa le pun pe un magnet ca sa le tina sa nu se verse. 

olaf, ştii de cite ori am varsat şi eu vopselele numai ca nu ai sfatuit TU metoda cu magnetul??

Postat 17 February 2005 - 12:57 PM
Entuziasm moderat ptr. acrylicele Revell:
1)Release date: 07/2005!Deci in Rom-"mai la toamna"..
2)"Do not thin the paint too excessively"+"Dilute with water (max. 20 to 25%)"
Probabil f.asemanatoare ca si compozitie cu cele din seria AeroMaster&
PollyScale,fata de care ai fost cam "rezervat",Alexandru...
3)"36 different colours"-f.probabil nici vorba de RLM-uri..
4)si evident pretul(bonboana)-ceva in jur de 3eu...
Vorba ceea: Sanatate sa fie ca...
1)Release date: 07/2005!Deci in Rom-"mai la toamna"..
2)"Do not thin the paint too excessively"+"Dilute with water (max. 20 to 25%)"
Probabil f.asemanatoare ca si compozitie cu cele din seria AeroMaster&
PollyScale,fata de care ai fost cam "rezervat",Alexandru...
3)"36 different colours"-f.probabil nici vorba de RLM-uri..
4)si evident pretul(bonboana)-ceva in jur de 3eu...
Vorba ceea: Sanatate sa fie ca...
Postat 17 February 2005 - 01:48 PM
Dupa cum spuneam, daca s-a pastrat calitatea la acrilicele Revell atunci merita banii.
Inainte ambalajul la acrilice era sticla (ca la MM) si cu filetul de la Beginer.
Vopseaua nu prea era diluata, apa e peste tot, si la aerograf ajungea cam cat pentru trei sticulte. Puterea de acoperire foarte buna.
Ramane de vazut daca aceste caracteristici s-au si pastrat, dar cum spunea Gustav, pana sa le probam mai va :-x
Bafta la maxim!
Inainte ambalajul la acrilice era sticla (ca la MM) si cu filetul de la Beginer.
Vopseaua nu prea era diluata, apa e peste tot, si la aerograf ajungea cam cat pentru trei sticulte. Puterea de acoperire foarte buna.
Ramane de vazut daca aceste caracteristici s-au si pastrat, dar cum spunea Gustav, pana sa le probam mai va :-x
Bafta la maxim!
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