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De citiva ani, o persoana semnata consecutiv: "Romanianlies", "Romaniantruths" si "Ion G. Nemes" tot modifica pagina Wikipedia a lui Traian Vuia inseriind remarci denigratoare. Pina in 2010, cind a aparut, prezentarea despre Vuia arata relativ bine. Apoi individul a inceput sa o deterioreze sistematic ajutat partial de moderatorul Binksternet (Michael Knowles, supranumit omul care a schimbat istoria aviatiei cu peste 130 000 editari, vezi: http://www.pilotsofa...ead.php?t=79105 , transformind-o intr-o gramada de gunoi).
Desi ultimele modificari ale lui Nemes au fost anulate, acesta revine periodic cu noi schimbari negative. Oricum, introducerea despre Vuia arata urit. Un strain ce doreste sa se informeze ramine cu impresia ca acesta a construit un monoplan, pretinzind realizarea unor hopuri scurte, fiind astfel unul din multii inventatori care faceau aeroplane inainte lui 1910. Nimic mai mult.
Evident, Nemes nu sta bine psihic si asta se vede din formularea sa "vuia WAS a lying scumbag (fortunately he's dead now (hurray!) )", ce arata ca este bintuit de o personalitate din trecut, ca si din desele sale referiri la numerosi pionieri ai aviatiei care ar fi zburat inaintea romanului, fara sa vina niciodata cu argumente in sprijinul afirmatiilor. Schizofrenicii au asemenea comportamente.
Lucruri scrise de Ion G. Nemes la pagina de discutii a lui Traian Vuia pentru a-si justifica modificarile pe care le face:
- "the fact that vuia WAS a lying scumbag (fortunately he's dead now (hurray!) ) Is not material to the question at hand. Which is why you keep changing the article to contradict reliable sources. This is vandalism. Perhaps at some other time I will update this article with details on what a pathetic, lying scumbag vuia was, but that is not what I am doing at this time. I'm just trying to keep you from vandalizing this pathetic, lying scumbag Vuia's article in contradiction to the reliable sources cited here.Ion G Nemes (talk) 23:43, 11 February 2015 (UTC)"
- "numerous other men flew farther and higher than vuia before he did without ramps, or catapults. The whole ramp and catapult arguement comes from people who just have a bug up their butt about the Wrights, but know virtually nothing about the early history of aviation.Ion G Nemes (talk) 02:47, 15 March 2013 (UTC)"
- "Not First There are numerous others who flew before Vuia: Ader, Kress, Nyberg, Phillips, Jatho, Whitehead, Pearse, etc. Next time you check first flying machine try reading the whole article, not just the parts that agree with your assertions. Romaniantruths (talk) 02:32, 23 July 2010 (UTC)"
- "They often used a catapult, but their first flights were accomplished without one. Why don't you try reading more carefully next time! Besides, Vuia's miserable excuse for a flight was far less than had been achieved by Jatho, Ader, and Kress years earlier! Romanianlies (talk) 20:23, 27 June 2010 (UTC)"
Sursa: http://en.wikipedia....alk:Traian_Vuia
Aceasta postare a fost editata de simplex: 25 February 2015 - 09:10 PM