Cargoul romanesc de 1500 tdw cautare informatii
Postat 01 January 2015 - 07:13 PM
Sunt in cautare de material pentru un model al cargoului romanesc de 1500 tdw. De moment sunt in posesia planului din revista Tehnium 9/1983. Insa informatia e destul de redusa, aproape nimic, doar caracteristicile tehnice si navele din clasa.
M-as bucura daca as putea fi ajutat cu detalii depre aceste nave; detalii masini de pe punti, planuri , fotografii, mai ales color, pentru ca din ceea ce am nu rezulta modul de piturare.
Va multumesc.
Postat 10 January 2015 - 12:25 PM
Lungime = 70,54 m
Latime = 10,80 m<
Pescaj = 4.90 m
IMO: 6605917
DWT: 1757
GT: 1283
Era propulsat de un motor de 1200 CP (MOTORENWERK ROSTOCK).
Ulterior a fost transformat in nava pentru transportul animalelor.
A facut parte din primul lot de nave vandute la fier vechi imediat dupa revolutie, la pretul de 108 USD/tona.
A fost remorcat din portul Constanta Sud/Agigea pana la Aliaga, unde a fost dezmembrat (iulie 1990).
- info: Cristian Gregoretti din
Aceasta postare a fost editata de chrisrotlmacin: 10 January 2015 - 12:26 PM
Postat 18 January 2015 - 08:17 PM
Demetri, la 10 January 2015 - 02:51 PM, a spus:
In general detaliile de punte de la navele maritime din epoca de aur sunt rare dar nu neaparat imposibil de gasit.
La navele respective Caransebeș , Petrila, Turnu Severin și Sighișoara nu am nimic. Pentru o identificare mai buna cand cautati imagini folositi numarul IMO al navei.
Postat 22 January 2015 - 01:08 AM
Demetri, la 21 January 2015 - 10:19 PM, a spus:
Aici sunt numerele IMO ale navelor respective :
Petrila 6621698
Turnu Severin 6621715
Sighisoara 6621703
Caransebes 6502012
Din pacate nu dispun de timpul necesar pentru o cautare amanuntita, as putea gasi inclusiv date tehnice gen capacitate, an fabricatie.
Poze nu stiu daca am, sincer am mii de fotografii ne-sortate sau ne-publicate cu nave, porturi, carti postale cu tematica de marina, le tot adun gramada de la unii si de la altii, unele ajung pe site, altele pe facebook pe masura ce mai gasesc timp , sper ca cel tarziu cand ajung la pensie sa le postez pe toate on line.
Cu ceva domnul Constantin Cumpana m-a rugat sa caut mai multe fotografii cu nave romanesti, lista lor se afla la . Deci teoretic pentru ce nu e in lista acolo exista o fotografie pe care dumnealui o are. Cartea ulterior a aparut, se cheama Amintiri despre o flota pierduta, detalii la http://www.marinarii...=info3#amintiri
Postat 28 January 2015 - 06:41 PM
Incep cu Caransebes
IMO No. : 8501725
CONSTRUCTIE : Galati 1989
TONAJ : 8.400 Tdw
Ship Name Sun Pegasus Ship Type Cargo
Owner Cammell Laird Built Galatz Santierul Naval
Displacement 7580 tonnes
Brief History of Sun Pegasus
SUN PEGASUS which has been laid up in the Cammell Laird wet basin for some considerable time
has been sold by Cammell Laird group receivers for what is believed to be around
Ł350,000 to the Syrian Company 'ALMA-MYRA TRANSPORT AND SHIPPING CO LTD'
This company has apparently owns three similar vessels. Following the purchase on Monday
this week a Russian Master and Senior Engineers / Electrician are now on board together
with Syrian Crewmen to prepare the vessel for sailing.
A very great deal is reported to need doing and it is possible vessel will be towed shortly
to North Western Ship Repairers at Bidston Dry Dock for underwater inspection.
SUN PEGASUS was built in Romania to a standard design 7580 GRT -Hull number 782 from
Galatz Santierul Naval - Class Romanian Register. Delivered with the name of CARANSEBES
She was renamed 'SUN PEGASUS' in August 1996 operated by ROMLINE. She was subsequently
arrested in Antwerp around late 1997/early 1998 for non payments and languished there until
sold by receivers auction on 11th June 1999 being acquired by Cammell Laird Group Plc
for a figure of US$1.1Million.
During her period in Belgium she had apparently a skeleton crew and many items on board
disappeared - either possibly sold for pocket money or transferred to other similar
Romanian vessels. (This is one of a class).
Cammell Laird then had her towed dead ship to the Mersey and into the wet basin where she
has languished - not properly laid up and hermetically sealed from elements.
The intention was apparently for Cammell Laird to convert her as a speculative venture
into either a 400 passenger cruise vessel - or more likely into a cable layer in which
Cammells had the expertise. This was to be done as the next project after completion of
the COSTA CLASSICA conversion.
As the other similar vessels in this companies ownership are DNV class it is likely she
will be reclassed from Romanian Register to them rather than preferred BV Class as it would
take too long to do the new plans and paperwork. Intention is that vessel - if, as and
when operational - will trade NW Europe to E.Med with container trunking services.
It is likely she will re-flag to Malta. No new name has yet been decided.
IMO number : 8501725
Name of ship : MAXIMOS
Call Sign : YKPL
Gross tonnage : 7572
Type of ship : Gneral Cargo Ship
Year of build : 1989
Flag : Syrian Arab Republic
Status of ship : In Service
Daca e inca in uz, poti folosi Marine pentru alte date despre nava
Aceasta postare a fost editata de marinaru29: 28 January 2015 - 06:51 PM
Postat 28 January 2015 - 06:48 PM