Frumos si ingrijit.
As avea unele remarci. Nu's mare "cunoscator" de Spit, dar am facut citeva asa ca am observat citeva mici problemute :
Spiturile IX nu aveau fir la antena, era doar bastonul/catargul.
Interiorul calelor trenului si capacele erau intotdeauna culoarea intradosului, nu vreun zinc chromate sau altceva.
Culoarea intradosului era un gri (mid sea grey) , nu tocmai bleu , evident culorile nu pot fi judecate privind pe monitor, asa ca nu e panica.
Rondelele de pe extrados, daca ar fi sa ne luam dupa putinele poze, erau ori mai inspre exterior, ori SUB linia alba, astfel incit nu prea apareau peste ultima dunga alba. Ori poate dungile trebuiau mai inguste sau sa porneasca mai dinspre interior.
Esti foarte tare ca ai facut racordajul acela al aripii cu fuselajul (inexistent la Italeri) , plus niturile si turnichetii de la capota motorului, aduc un mare plus modelului.
Cu dungile de invazie cred ca te-ai stresat prea tare sa le faci finutz, avind in vedere poza de mai jos (evident bidineaua nu era mereu o regula )
Late edit : se pare ca dungile ar fi trebuit sa se termine imediat dupa linia eleronului. Latimea si locatia lor era standard :
"The stripes were five alternating black and white stripes. On single-engined aircraft each stripe was to be 18 inches (46 cm) wide, placed 6 inches (15 cm) inboard of the roundels on the wings and 18 inches (46 cm) forward of the leading edge of the tailplane on the fuselage. National markings and serial number were not to be obliterated. On twin-engined aircraft the stripes were 24 inches (61 cm) wide, placed 24 inches (61 cm) outboard of the engine nacelles on the wings, and 18 inches (46 cm) forward of the leading edge of the tailplane around the fuselage.
In most cases the stripes were painted on by the ground crews; with only a few hours notice, few of the stripes were "masked".[1] As a result, depending on the abilities of the "erks" (RAF nickname for ground crew), the stripes were often far from neat and tidy." - de pe wiki
Aceasta postare a fost editata de 1-0-9: 27 September 2013 - 09:36 PM